BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3811alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231014T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231015T235900 URL: SUMMARY:2023 World Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:2023 Null Signal Games World Championship\nCOVID SAFETY MEASURE S\nWe will thoroughly follow our government regulations at the time. Right now\, Barcelona has no specific regulations in place.\nThere will be mask s at your disposal and hydroalcoholic gel will be provided in the venue an d encouraged to use in between matches\nAccommodating people’s needs and safety is a priority for us.\nSCHEDULE\nFriday 13th of October: Crown of Servers Extravaganza\nSaturday 14th of October: Netrunner World Championsh ip\nSunday 15th of October: Final Rounds\, Top 16\, Start-Up and other Sid e Events\nMAIN EVENT SWISS ROUNDS\nThe tournament will be played in Standa rd format.\nThere will be 7 Rounds of Swiss on Saturday and we will cut to a Top 16\, to be played alongside the last Rounds of Swiss on Sunday.\nRE GISTRATION\nFor the first time ever\, registration will be carried by the players themselves through You will need a accoun t and your deck lists created on the website. We will be releasing a “Ho w to!” closer to the events date.\nPRIZE SUPPORT\n1st Place: Title of ‘2023 World Champion’. Opportunity to work with Design and Developmen t on a Champion Card. One-of-a-kind Behold! playmat (Illustrated by Scott Uminga). 2023 World Champion Trophy (by Jakuza).\nTop 4: 2023 World Champi onship organic cotton drawstring backpack\nTop 16: Faux Leather 2023 World s Deck Box\nTop 32: World Tree Playmat (Illustrated by Liiga Smilshkalne)\ nTop Half: Borealis Runner Avatar Identities (Illustrated by Ferenc Patkó s)\n27 Points: Cezve alternate art card (Illustrated by BalanceSheet)\n18 Points: Mavirus alternate art card (Illustrated by Cat Shen)\n9 Points: NG O Front alternate art card (Illustrated by Kira L. Nguyen)\nParticipation: Threat Tracker (with art by Scott Uminga)\nPrizes will roll down to peopl e with the same amount of points\, except for top 32 prizes and higher.\nT ICKETS:\nThis includes entry for all 3 days: tournament\, as well as the C rown of Servers and all side events.\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nL inks\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nNSG Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Polic ies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We will thoroughly follow our government regulations at the time. Right n ow\, Barcelona has no specific regulations in place.
\nThere will be masks at your disposal and hydroalcoholic gel will be provided in the ven ue and encouraged to use in between matches
\nAccommodating people ’s needs and safety is a priority for us.
\nFriday 13th of October: Crown of Se rvers Extravaganza\nSaturday 14th of October: Netrunner World Cha mpionship\nSunday 15th of October: Final Rounds\, Top 16\, Start-Up and other Side Events
\nThe tournament will be played in Standard f ormat.
\nThere will be 7 Rounds of Swiss on Saturday and we will cut to a Top 16\, to be played alongside the last Rounds of Swiss on Sunday.< /p>\n
For the first time ever\, registration will be carried by the players themselves through You will need a netrunne account and your deck lists created on the website. We will be releasing a “How to!” closer to the events date.
\n1st Place: Title of ‘2023 World Champion’ . Opportunity to work with Design and Development on a Champion Card. One -of-a-kind Behold! playmat (Illustrated by Scott Uminga). 2023 World Champ ion Trophy (by Jakuza).\nTop 4: 2023 World Championship organic cotton dra wstring backpack\nTop 16: Faux Leather 2023 Worlds Deck Box\nTop 32: World Tree Playmat (Illustrated by Liiga Smilshkalne)\nTop Half: Borealis Runne r Avatar Identities (Illustrated by Ferenc Patkós)\n27 Points: Cezve alte rnate art card (Illustrated by BalanceSheet)\n18 Points: Mavirus alternate art card (Illustrated by Cat Shen)\n9 Points: NGO Front alternate art car d (Illustrated by Kira L. Nguyen)\nParticipation: Threat Tracker (with art by Scott Uminga)
\nPrizes will roll down to people with the sam e amount of points\, except for top 32 prizes and higher.
\nThis includes entry for all 3 days: tournament\, as well as the Crown of Servers and all side events.\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page
\nLinks\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nNSG Code of Cond uct\nNSG OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format