BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3810alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231013T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231013T235900 URL: -tournament SUMMARY:2023 Crown of Servers Team Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:B·COM Crown of Servers Extravaganza\nB·COM is the Barcelona C ommunity Event that a lot of you know and love. This year we’ll be makin g an appearance during the 2023 Null Signal Games World Championship\, as the organisers of the Friday’s Crown of Servers event.\nHistorically\, C rown of Servers has been a casual team event\, played during the opening d ay of the World Championship weekend\, where three players will build a to tal of 6 decklists from different factions. The players get individual poi nts that sum up to make the total standing of their team. Those points are also used to determine which player is playing which opponent from the ot her team.\nIn B·COM’s fashion\, however\, Crown of Servers becomes an E xtravaganza! In our variation on this format\, the members of each teams o f three must each playing a different one of Null Signal Games’ official formats: Eternal\, Standard or Start-Up. The team members will be paired each round against the opponent playing the same format. There will be no limitations on the amount of times the same faction – or even the same I D – can be played within the same team.\n#SWISS ROUNDS\nCrown of Servers Extravaganza! will be played in Eternal\, Standard and Start-Up and will consist of 5 Rounds of Swiss with no Top Cut.\n#REGISTRATION\nTo be able t o play in this event\, you’ll need to have a ticket for the main event\, which you can get here. You will also need a team.\nYou can register your team of three\, or sign up as a free agent to find one here.\n#PRIZE SUPP ORT\nWe are still finalising details! Thank you for your patience.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
B·COM is the Barcelona Community Event that a lot of you know and love. This year we’ll be making an appearance during the 2 023 Null Signal Games World Championship\, as the organisers of the Friday ’s Crown of Servers event.
\nHistorically\, Crown of Servers has b een a casual team event\, played during the opening day of the World Champ ionship weekend\, where three players will build a total of 6 decklists fr om different factions. The players get individual points that sum up to ma ke the total standing of their team. Those points are also used to determi ne which player is playing which opponent from the other team.
\nIn B·COM’s fashion\, however\, Crown of Servers becomes an Extravaganz a! In our variation on this format\, the members of each teams of thr ee must each playing a different one of Null Signal Games’ official form ats: Eternal\, Standard or Start-Up. The team members will be paired each round against the opponent playing the same format. There will be no limit ations on the amount of times the same faction – or even the same ID – can be played within the same team.
\nCrown of Servers Extravaganza! will be played i n Eternal\, Standard and Start-Up and will consist of 5 Rounds of S wiss with no Top Cut.
\nTo be able to play in this event\, you’ll need to have a ticket for the main event\, which you can get here. You wil l also need a team.\nYou can register your team of three\, or sign up as a free agent to find one here.
\nWe are still finalising details! Thank you for your patience.