BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3800alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20230826T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20230827T235900 URL: st-coast-edition LOCATION:372 Saint-Catherine St W #216\, Montreal\, QC H3B 1A2\, Canada SUMMARY:Canadian Nationals 2023 (East Coast Edition) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Greetings Runners and Corporations! Come spend an exciting week end at the Silver Goblin\, and compete in Quebec's first ever Canadian Nat ional Netrunner Championship!\nAugust 26th will hold the main event's Swis s rounds (the event will be played in the Standard format). The following day\, August 27th\, will hold the main event's top cut\, alongside a Start up format side-tournament\, for any players who did not make the top cut.\ nTickets can be bought on Silver Goblin's website.\nThe prize support is s tacked\, with exclusive National alt-art cards\, enamel faction pins for t op faction performances\, playmats\, Circuit Breaker Invitational Invites\ , a free World Championship ticket\, and a shiny National Champion plaque. \nAlongside the official Null Signal Games' prize support\, there will be additional exclusive prize support at the event. More details to come!\nAs a reminder\, proxies are allowed at all levels of Netrunner organized pla y. Check out Null Signal's Organized Play Policies for additional details -\nIf you'd like to get involved in the Montreal Netrunner community\, please\, send an email to mtlnetrunner@gmai We have an active online community\, and we'd love to have you!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Greetings Runners and Corporations! Come sp end an exciting weekend at the Silver Goblin\, and compete in Quebec's fir st ever Canadian National Netrunner Championship!


August 26th will hold the main event's Swiss rounds (the event will be played in the Stand ard format). The following day\, August 27th\, will hold the main event's top cut\, alongside a Startup format side-tournament\, for any players who did not make the top cut.


Tickets can be bought on Silver Goblin's website.


The p rize support is stacked\, with exclusive National alt-art cards\, enamel f action pins for top faction performances\, playmats\, Circuit Breaker Invi tational Invites\, a free World Championship ticket\, and a shiny National Champion plaque.


Alongside the official Null Signal Games' prize support\, there will be additional exclusive prize support at the event. M ore details to come!


As a reminder\, proxies are allowed at all le vels of Netrunner organized play. Check out Null Signal's Organized Play P olicies for additional details -


If you'd like to get involved in the Montreal Netrunner community\, pleas e\, send an email to We have an active online comm unity\, and we'd love to have you!