BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3798alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20230903T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20230903T235900 URL: eek SUMMARY:Circuit Opener @ Malmö Game Week CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:"\;Malmö Game Week is a an annual game festival with focus on analog games\, full of surprises!"\; - MGW\nWelcome to Malmö! Thi s is a two day event that will have a dedicated Netrunner area for casual play and the Circuit Opener.\nLocation: Stadionområdet\, Malmö\, Sweden\ nTime: Registration from 10:00\, preliminary tournament start 11:00.\nCost : 89 SEK (40 SEK Venue Ticket + 40 SEK Event Ticket + Transaction fees)\nA ticket to the venue is required to participate in the event\, as well as an event ticket purchased on the same page. - Malmö Game Week\nPurchase t ickets here!\nFormat: Startup\nRounds: 4 Rounds of double-sided swiss\, to p cut will be dependent on attendance.\nAs a reminder\, proxies are allowe d at all levels of Netrunner organized play. Check out Null Signal's Organ ized Play Policies for additional details - rs/\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

"\;Malmö Game Week is a an annual game festival with focus on analog games\, full of surprises!"\; - MGW


Welcome to Malmö! This is a two day event that will have a dedicated Netrunner area for casual play and the Circuit Opener.


Lo cation: Stadionområdet\, Malmö\, Sweden


Time: Registration from 10:00\, preliminary tournament start 11:00.

\ n

Cost: 89 SEK (40 SEK Venue Ticket + 40 SEK Event Tick et + Transaction fees)\nA ticket to the venue is required to participate i n the event\, as well as an event ticket purchased on the same page. - Malmö Game Week


Purchase tickets here!


Format: Startup


Rounds: 4 R ounds of double-sided swiss\, top cut will be dependent on attendance.


As a reminder\, proxies are allowed at all levels of Netrunner organi zed play. Check out Null Signal's Organized Play Policies for additional d etails - https://nullsignal. games/players/