BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3785alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230715T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230715T235900 URL: t-opener-july-2023 LOCATION:61 Tithebarn St\, Liverpool L2 2SB\, UK SUMMARY:Liverpool Netrunner Circuit Opener - July 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello everyone! Welcome to the July 2023 Liverpool Netrunner Ci rcuit Opener!\nThis is a Null Signal Games casual level event with prizes to be won from the 2023 NSG H1 Circuit Opener Kit. As a casual event\, it will be a relatively relaxed environment and ideal for newer/returning pla yers to experience tournament play for the first time! At all NSG events a nd any of our weekly meets\, printed proxies are allowed. Decklists are NO T required.\nEntry Fee: £10 (can be paid by cash on the day or through Pa yPal - but fill out the above form first!)\nPrizes:\nWinner: Invitation to NSG's Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship*\nTop 4: Smartware Distri butor playmat\nTop 8: 3x Boomerang alt art\nParticipation: 3x Seamless Lau nch\nThere may also be additional prizes on the day\nFormat: Standard. See for full details\nReg istration starts: 10:05am\nRound 1 starts: 10:45am\nLunch after round 2\nM aximum of 4 rounds with top 4 cut**\nNote: JustPlay only sell snacks now ( though they do occasionally have microwave friendly food available). There are a few shops around the area to get sandwiches. I'll check whether foo d is allowed in store during the break.\n\nThe invite is only awarded if t here are 8 or more players attending the event\n** There will be no top cu t if less than 16 players attend as per the NSG OP guidelines\n\n\nIf you have any questions\, please create a post in the event or send an email to!\nAll attendees are asked to be adhere to the NISEI code of conduct at all events and meets\, which can be found her e:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hello everyone! Welcome to the July 2023 Li verpool Netrunner Circuit Opener!


This is a Null Signal Games casu al level event with prizes to be won from the 2023 NSG H1 Circuit Opener K it. As a casual event\, it will be a relatively relaxed environment and id eal for newer/returning players to experience tournament play for the firs t time! At all NSG events and any of our weekly meets\, printed proxies ar e allowed. Decklists are NOT required.


Entry Fee: £10 (can be pai d by cash on the day or through PayPal - but fill out the above form first !)


Prizes:\nWinner: Invitation to NSG's Circuit Breaker Invitation al Championship*\nTop 4: Smartware Distributor playmat\nTop 8: 3x Boomeran g alt art\nParticipation: 3x Seamless Launch\nThere may also be additional prizes on the day


Format: Standard. See players/supported-formats/ for full details\nRegistration starts: 10:05am\ nRound 1 starts: 10:45am\nLunch after round 2\nMaximum of 4 rounds with to p 4 cut**


Note: JustPlay only sell snacks now (though they do occa sionally have microwave friendly food available). There are a few shops ar ound the area to get sandwiches. I'll check whether food is allowed in sto re during the break.


If you have any questions\, please create a post in the event or send an email to!


All attendees are ask ed to be adhere to the NISEI code of conduct at all events and meets\, whi ch can be found here: