BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3784alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20230715T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20230715T235900 URL: -tournament SUMMARY:ZEEBAG'S SUBURBAN WASTELAND TOURNAMENT CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAddress: 7324 Joliette Cres\, Mississauga\, Ontario\nCome one come all to my 2nd annual Netrunner tournament! This will be a standard l egal CiOp and registration will be $10. As of now this will be 4 rounds of double sided swiss followed by a 4 person cut (based on attendance)\, how ever we may decide to do this as a single sided swiss tournament instead.\ nAs the name suggests\, my home is in the 'burbs so food is a car drive aw ay. We will be doing a group food order at $5/person. It will be a vote be tween pizza or chinese food at the beginning of the event. Any additional drinks/snacks are acceptable and encouraged to be brought! (If you have an y dietary restrictions please let me know and we will accommodate)\nI will have 2-3 different beers on tap\, so come thirsty! Additionally\, my mini pool will be setup if anyone wants to rock a float between rounds!\nAnd l ast but not least\, I will raffle off some extra fun prizes through out th e day.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Address: 7324 Joliette Cres\, Mississauga\, Ont ario
\nCome one come all to my 2nd annual Netrunner tournament! This will be a standard legal CiOp and registration will be $10. As of now thi s will be 4 rounds of double sided swiss followed by a 4 person cut (based on attendance)\, however we may decide to do this as a single sided swiss tournament instead.
\nAs the name suggests\, my home is in the 'bur bs so food is a car drive away. We will be doing a group food order at $5/ person. It will be a vote between pizza or chinese food at the beginning o f the event. Any additional drinks/snacks are acceptable and encouraged to be brought! (If you have any dietary restrictions please let me know and we will accommodate)
\nI will have 2-3 different beers on tap\, so c ome thirsty! Additionally\, my mini pool will be setup if anyone wants to rock a float between rounds!
\nAnd last but not least\, I will raffl e off some extra fun prizes through out the day.