BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3782alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230702T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230702T235900 URL: LOCATION:Silverlock Tenants Hall\, Warndon St\, London SE16 2SB\, UK SUMMARY:London H1 CO #2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:UPDATE: Pre-Registration Tickets now available HERE: https://ww 23-1100/)\nAnnouncing the (slightly less last-minute) 2nd London H1 Circui t Opener!\nRegistration at 11.00am for a 12.00 start. Rounds will be depen dent on attendance but at least 4 rounds\; plus cut if attendance is high enough.\nEntry will be £15 and include standard H1 Prizing as well as add itional prizing including at least one Jakuza Laser ID! (See below for ful l prizing details)\nFormat will be standard with latest MWL as of 23/3/23\ n\nEvent is ho sted by The Brotherhood Games in Silverlock TRA Hall (Accessible via Surre y Quays Overground station or South Bermondsey via Southern Rail)\nTo find the event\, enter the hall through the main entrance and turn left.\nFood will be available on site.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
UPDATE: Pre-Registration Tickets now availa ble HERE: ircuit-opener-02-07-23-1100/)
\nAnnouncing the (slightly less last-m inute) 2nd London H1 Circuit Opener!
\nRegistration at 11.00am for a 12.00 start. Rounds will be dependent on attendance but at least 4 rounds \; plus cut if attendance is high enough.
\nEntry will be £15 and i nclude standard H1 Prizing as well as additional prizing including at leas t one Jakuza Laser ID! (See below for full prizing details)
\nFormat will be standard with latest MWL as of 23/3/23\n players/supported-formats/#standard
\nEvent is hosted by The Brother hood Games in Silverlock TRA Hall (Accessible via Surrey Quays Overground station or South Bermondsey via Southern Rail)\nTo find the event\, enter the hall through the main entrance and turn left.\nFood will be available on site.