BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3772alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230915 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230918 URL: SUMMARY:Swiss Nationals 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Swiss Nationals Winterthur\nNot a whole year has passed but we are pleased to announce the second ever Swiss National Championship taking place over the weekend of September 15.-17. 2023 in Winterthur. The event will be hosted at Quartierzentrum Gutschick-Mattenbach in Winterthur\, ve ry close to the old town. We will have the venue for the whole weekend\, s o everyone is encouraged to hang around and socialize/play games!\nBanlist : please note that the Banlist in place is 23.08 not the newest Update!\nS chedule:\nFriday: team event* &\; community event\nSaturday: main event &\; top cut\nSunday: side events (mainly a Startup\, maybe other)\nFoo d:\nDinner will be provided on Friday\, lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday. There will be two ticket tiers\, one with food and one withou t. All food will be vegetarian with vegan option.\nTickets:\n3-day ticket: CHF/EUR 65\n3-day ticket (no food): CHF/EUR 50\n1-day ticket: CHF/EUR 40\ n(Early bird tickets if registered and payed until the 8th of september\, all tickets sold after that are +5)\nPlease send your money to Luke (Revol ut\, PayPal or wire transfer\, see details below) and registration details with payment confirmation to:\nPrizes:\nThe o fficial NSG nationals kit and a ton of prize support and Swiss National ex clusives :O\n\nThe schedule\nFriday:\n\n13.30 registration BoS\n14.00 star t BoS\n19.00 dinner\n20.00 community event\n\nSaturday:\n\n9.00 registrati on main event\n9.30 start main event\n(lunch break after 2-3 rounds!)\n(To p cut main event)\n\nSunday:\n\n10.00 registration startup event\n10.30 st art startup event\, registration side events\n11.00 start side events\n(lu nchbreak after 4-5 rounds (SSS))\n(Finals Startup)\n\n\nPlease get in touc h if you need help finding accommodation or need any other info!\nInfos fo r the different Events:\n\nBundesrat of Servers\, Teams of 2\, 1 player wi th a Startup deck\, 1 player with a Standard deck. No decklists required a nd no further restrictions (no faction or cardpool lock)\nTeam registratio n form\n\nStandard event\, likely 8 rounds of single-sided Swiss\, Double Elimination of 4\, following Null Signal Games guidelines for competitive play and active banlist. Decklists required.\nStartup event\, 7 rounds of single-sided Swiss\, Top 3\, following Null Signal Games guidelines for ca sual play. Decklists required.\n\nDecklists should be provided electronica lly to\, deadline 2 hours before the event.\nI n the unlikely case that we will break even\, any money 'earned' will be d onated to Winterhilfe Schweiz\, a charity for food&\;shelter security.\ nAlways be running!\nNicolas &\; Luke &\; Simone\nPayment options:\n Revolut:\nPayPal: sschmid\nwire transfer or twint: details on request\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Swiss Nationals Winterthur


Not a whole year has passed but we are pleased to announce the second ever Swiss National Championship taking place over the weekend of September 15.-17. 2023 in Winterthur. The event will be hosted at Quartierzentrum Gutschick- Mattenbach in Winterthur\, very close to the old town. We will have the ve nue for the whole weekend\, so everyone is encouraged to hang around and s ocialize/play games!


Banlist: please note that the Banlist in pla ce is 23.08 not the newest Update!




Friday: te am event* &\; community event\nSaturday: main event &\; top cut\nSun day: side events (mainly a Startup\, maybe other)




Dinner will be provided on Friday\, lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday. There will be two ticket tiers\, one with food and one without. A ll food will be vegetarian with vegan option.




3 -day ticket: CHF/EUR 65\n3-day ticket (no food): CHF/EUR 50\n1-day ticket: CHF/EUR 40\n(Early bird tickets if registered and payed until the 8th of september\, all tickets sold after that are +5)\nPlease send your money to Luke (Revolut\, PayPal or wire transfer\, see details below) and registra tion details with payment confirmation to:




The official NSG nationals kit and a ton of prize s upport and Swiss National exclusives :O


The schedule








Please get in touch if you need help finding a ccommodation or need any other info!


Infos for the different Even ts:


Decklists should be provided electronically to netrun\, deadline 2 hours before the event.


In the unlikely case that we will break even\, any money 'earned' will be donated to Winterhilfe Schweiz\, a charity for food&\;shelter security.

\n< p>Always be running!\nNicolas &\; Luke &\; Simone


Payment op tions:\nRevolut:\nPayPal: https://www.paypal.m e/chlucasschmid\nwire transfer or twint: details on request