BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3756alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230603T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230603T235900 URL: LOCATION:Lietzenburger Str. 37\, 10789 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Standard CO Berlin 2023H1 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunners of the world unite! For one last Standard CO in Berl in - before your favorite mom\, news broadcast\, or RC rocket rotate (Also consider e-girls\, bioroids\, and sentient AIs). We will be hosting a sta ndard CO on 03.06.2023 in Berlin. Everyone is welcome to bring their top t ier decks or mini-faction jank\, the most important part is bringing their best so we all have fun.\nRegistration\nPlease send an e-mail to girometi to register and receive payment details.\nWe require a fee of 15€ for participating\, but everyone traveling by train can deduc t their traveling costs :) This can be paid preferably via online transfer .\nEvent\nThis will be the official Berlin Standard Circuit Opener for 202 3 H1.\nThe event starts at 10:00AM local time and is planned to conclude b y 19:00\, and we will have a 30 min break in between. Please arrive by 9:4 5 to ensure a punctual start.\nWe will likely go for dinner afterward and you are more than welcome to join.\nFormat\nTOs are Girometics (Girometics #2007 on Discord) and awildturtok (awildturtok#8267 on Discord).\nWe will be playing four rounds of double-sided swiss and have a top 3 cut (with op en decklists)\, in the standard format\, using the latest SBL (2023.03 as of now).\nProxies are permitted as per the OPP\, but please make sure to u se completely opaque sleeves.\nPlease submit your decklists before the eve nt starts at\, preferably as a netrunnerdb link or a .txt-file.\nTOs will be participating\, depending on the number of a ttendees and parity.\nFood and Drinks\nThe venue does not sell food or dri nks\, so you are invited to bring your own.\nThere is also an Eastern Euro pean Supermarket across the street and an Edeka is nearby.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Netrunners of the world unite! For one last Standard CO in Berlin - before your favorite mom\, news broadca st\, or RC rocket rotate (Also consider e-girls\, bioroids\, and sentient AIs). We will be hosting a standard CO on 03.06.2023 in Berlin. Everyone is welcome to bring their top tier decks or mini-faction jank\, the most important part is bringing their be st so we all have fun.
\nPlease send an e-mai l to to register and receive payment details.\nWe require a fee of 15€ for participating\, but everyone traveling by train can deduct their traveling costs :) This can be paid preferably via online transfer.
\nThis will be the official Ber
lin Standard Circuit Opener for 2023 H1.\nThe event starts at 10:0
0AM local time and is planned to conclude by 19:00\, and we will
have a 30 min break in between. Please arrive by 9:45 to ensure a punctual
\nWe will likely go for dinner afterward and you are more tha
n welcome to join.
TOs are Girometics (Girometics
#2007 on Discord) and awildturtok (awildturtok#8267 on Discord).\nWe will
be playing four rounds of double-sided swiss and have a top 3 cut (with op
en decklists)\, in the standard format\, using the latest SBL (2023.03 as
of now).
\nProxies are permitted as per the OPP\, but please make sur
e to use completely opaque sleeves.
Please submit your dec
klists before the event starts at\, pr
eferably as a netrunnerdb link or a .txt-file.
\nTOs will be particip
ating\, depending on the number of attendees and parity.
The venue does not sell food or drinks\, so you are invit ed to bring your own.\nThere is also an Eastern European Supermarket acros s the street and an Edeka is nearby.