BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3750alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20230610T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20230610T235900 URL: tartup-styles LOCATION:L1/278 Collins St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:Circuit opener Melbourne startup styles CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This should all sound kinda familiar because I've stolen from o ur boy Luke\nLocation\nPlenty of games in Melbourne on Collins st\nEntry f ee\nTickets are $10\, payable on the day. Decklists are not required as th is will be casual tier\, but if a cut happens players will have a chance t o look through the deck or be provided a deck list\nPrizes\nWinner: Invita tion to the 2023 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 2: Smartw are Distributor playmat.\nTop 4: 3x Boomerang alt art.\nTop 8: 3x Seamless Launch.\nDoor prizes: Enigmas and dips in the bag (prizes prizes prizes)\ nAll participants will leave with a prize.\nEvent structure\nThe tournamen t will use single-sided Swiss pairings. This means you meet a new opponent after each game.\nUp to 15 players: 6 rounds\, no cut\n16-32 players: 6 r ounds\, top 4\nTiming\n1000 - check-in opens\n1030- check-in closes\n1045 - round 1\n1145 - round 2\n1245 - round 3\n1345 - round 4\n1350 - lunch (4 0 mins)\n1430 - round 5\n1530 - round 6\n1630 - top 4 cut (if needed)\nNet runner\nNetrunner is an asymmetrical 2-player card game in which hackers f ace off against megacorps in a cyber-noir dystopia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 1999\, and a FFG LCG from 2012 to 2018. It lives on as an LCG pub lished by NISEI.\nNull Signal Games\nNull Signal Games is the not-for-prof it collective that has been designing\, publishing and organizing events f or Netrunner since Fantasy Flight Games' licence expired in 2018.\nCircuit Openers\nCircuit Openers are the inaugural and mid-season event of the Or ganised Play season. They are Casual\, Sanctioned events for the purposes of Null Signal's Organised Play Policies\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This should all sound kinda familiar becaus e I've stolen from our boy Luke
\nLocation\nPlenty of games in Melbo urne on Collins st
\nEntry fee\nTickets are $10\, payable on the day . Decklists are not required as this will be casual tier\, but if a cut ha ppens players will have a chance to look through the deck or be provided a deck list
\nPrizes\nWinner: Invitation to the 2023 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 2: Smartware Distributor playmat.\nTop 4: 3x Boomerang alt art.\nTop 8: 3x Seamless Launch.\nDoor prizes: Enigmas an d dips in the bag (prizes prizes prizes)\nAll participants will leave with a prize.
\nEvent structure\nThe tournament will use single-sided Sw iss pairings. This means you meet a new opponent after each game.
\nUp to 15 players: 6 rounds\, no cut\n16-32 players: 6 rounds\, top 4\nTimi ng\n1000 - check-in opens\n1030- check-in closes\n1045 - round 1\n1145 - r ound 2\n1245 - round 3\n1345 - round 4\n1350 - lunch (40 mins)\n1430 - rou nd 5\n1530 - round 6\n1630 - top 4 cut (if needed)
\nNetrunner\nNetr unner is an asymmetrical 2-player card game in which hackers face off agai nst megacorps in a cyber-noir dystopia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 199 9\, and a FFG LCG from 2012 to 2018. It lives on as an LCG published by NI SEI.
\nNull Signal Games\nNull Signal Games is the not-for-profit co llective that has been designing\, publishing and organizing events for Ne trunner since Fantasy Flight Games' licence expired in 2018.
\nCircu it Openers\nCircuit Openers are the inaugural and mid-season event of the Organised Play season. They are Casual\, Sanctioned events for the purpose s of Null Signal's Organised Play Policies