BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3744alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20230528T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20230528T235900 URL: LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Antwerp Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Heya folks\, it's been a few clicks since we've done a proper c ompetitive tournament in Belgium\, so we're dropping our first Circuit Ope ner at the end of May!\nWe will be playing in our old stomping ground\, th e basement of the Outpost. We'll get started at 11:00\, so please arrive a bit earlier for registration. It will depend on player turnout\, but I su spect we will be playing 4 rounds of swiss with a cut to top 4. After the first round\, we'll break for lunch\, there are plenty of options in the a rea. As in most places\, bringing in your own drinks is prohibited as ther e is a fully stocked bar so we encourage you to order a tasty beverage or two. You are however allowed to bring in your own food. Just be kind and c lean up after yourselves :)\nAn overview of the details:\nSunday\, 28th of May\, starting at 11:00\nOutpost\, Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\nE ntry fee: €10\nFormat: Standard\n ted-formats/#standard\nProxies are of course welcome\, just make sure they are visibly obvious what card they are\, and that they are properly sleev ed with a hard cardback in opaque sleeves.\nPrizing:\nRaffle - playsets of Enigma alt art (and maybe some other stuff)\nTop 16 - playset of Seamless Launch alt art\nTop 8 - playset of Boomerang alt art\nTop 4 - Smartware D istributor playmat\nWinner - Invitation to the 2023 Circuit Breaker Champi onship\nIf you have any questions\, you can message me here\, send me an e -mail at or hit me up on Stimhack Slack @Cluste r Fox. There is also an event up on Always Be Running\, so set yourself to attending there to claim your spot and share your decks after the event!\ nHappy running\, and hope to see y'all next month!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Heya folks\, it's been a few clicks since w e've done a proper competitive tournament in Belgium\, so we're dropping o ur first Circuit Opener at the end of May!


We will be playing in o ur old stomping ground\, the basement of the Outpost. We'll get started at 11:00\, so please arrive a bit earlier for registration. It will depend o n player turnout\, but I suspect we will be playing 4 rounds of swiss with a cut to top 4. After the first round\, we'll break for lunch\, there are plenty of options in the area. As in most places\, bringing in your own d rinks is prohibited as there is a fully stocked bar so we encourage you to order a tasty beverage or two. You are however allowed to bring in your o wn food. Just be kind and clean up after yourselves :)


An overview of the details:


Sunday\, 28th of May\, starting at 11:00\nOutpost \, Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\nEntry fee: €10\nFormat: Standard \n


Pro xies are of course welcome\, just make sure they are visibly obvious what card they are\, and that they are properly sleeved with a hard cardback in opaque sleeves.




Raffle - playsets of Enigma alt art (and maybe some other stuff)\nTop 16 - playset of Seamless Launch alt art\nTop 8 - playset of Boomerang alt art\nTop 4 - Smartware Distributor p laymat\nWinner - Invitation to the 2023 Circuit Breaker Championship


If you have any questions\, you can message me here\, send me an e-mail at or hit me up on Stimhack Slack @Cluster Fox . There is also an event up on Always Be Running\, so set yourself to atte nding there to claim your spot and share your decks after the event!


Happy running\, and hope to see y'all next month!