BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3716alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20230506T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20230506T235900 URL: t-opener LOCATION:L1/278 Collins St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:Naarm/Melbourne 23H1 Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:I am pleased to invite you to 2023's first Naarm/Melbourne Circ uit Opener.\nEntry fee\nTickets are $10 via Eventbrite. Buying your ticket early helps me book an appropriate space with the venue. Decklists are no t required.\nPrizes\nWinner: Invitation to the 2023 Circuit Breaker Invita tional Championship.\nTop 4: Smartware Distributor playmat.\nTop 8: 3x Boo merang alt art.\nTop 16: 3x Seamless Launch.\nDoor prizes: 12x Enigma\nAll participants will leave with a prize. If more than 16 players attend\, th en the prize pool will expand accordingly.\nEvent structure\nThe tournamen t will use single-sided Swiss pairings. This means you meet a new opponent after each game.\n\nUp to 15 players: 6 rounds\, no cut\n16-32 players: 6 rounds\, top 4\n\nTiming\n09:00 - social breakfast at Cafe Issus\n10:00 - check-in opens\n10:45 - check-in closes\n11:00 - round 1\n11:45 - round 2 \n12:30 - round 3\n13:15 - round 4\n14:00 - lunch break (45 minutes)\n12:4 5 - round 5\n15:30 - round 6\n16:30 - top 4 cut (if needed)\nAfter-party\n All are welcome to gather for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Details to follow.\nNetrunner\nNetrunner is an asymmetrical 2-player card game in which hackers face off against megacorps in a cyber-noir dystopia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 1999\, and a FFG LCG from 2012 to 2018. It lives on as an LCG published by NISEI.\nNull Signal Games\nNull Signal Games is the not-for-profit collective that has been designing\, publishing and org anizing events for Netrunner since Fantasy Flight Games' licence expired i n 2018.\nCircuit Openers\nCircuit Openers are the inaugural and mid-season event of the Organised Play season. They are Casual\, Sanctioned events f or the purposes of Null Signal's Organised Play Policies\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

I am pleased to invite you to 2023's first Naarm/Melbourne Circuit Opener.


Entry fee


Tickets are $1 0 via Eventbrite. Buying your ticke t early helps me book an appropriate space with the venue. Decklists are n ot required.




Winner: Invitation to the 2023 Circu it Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 4: Smartware Distributor playma t.\nTop 8: 3x Boomerang alt art.\nTop 16: 3x Seamless Launch.\nDoor prizes : 12x Enigma\nAll participants will leave with a prize. If more than 16 pl ayers attend\, then the prize pool will expand accordingly.


Event structure


The tournament will use single-sided Swiss pairings. T his means you meet a new opponent after each game.




09:00 - social breakfast at Cafe Issus\n10:00 - check -in opens\n10:45 - check-in closes\n11:00 - round 1\n11:45 - round 2\n12:3 0 - round 3\n13:15 - round 4\n14:00 - lunch break (45 minutes)\n12:45 - ro und 5\n15:30 - round 6\n16:30 - top 4 cut (if needed)




All are welcome to gather for dinner and drinks on Saturday nigh t. Details to follow.




Netrunner is an asymmetr ical 2-player card game in which hackers face off against megacorps in a c yber-noir dystopia. It was a WOTC CCG from 1996 to 1999\, and a FFG LCG fr om 2012 to 2018. It lives on as an LCG published by NISEI.


Null S ignal Games


Null Signal Games is the not-for-profit collective th at has been designing\, publishing and organizing events for Netrunner sin ce Fantasy Flight Games' licence expired in 2018.


Circuit Openers


Circuit Openers are the inaugural and mid-season event of the Or ganised Play season. They are Casual\, Sanctioned events for the purposes of Null Signal's Organise d Play Policies