BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3704alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230922 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230925 URL: hip-2023 LOCATION:Dageraadplaats 4\, 2018 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Belgian National Championship 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n\nWe thank you for your patience in finalizing the 2023 Belgi an National Championship for Android: Netrunner and we’ll be hosting the event in beautiful Antwerp! This year we have something special planned: instead of a game store\, we've sorted out a private spacious room behind one of Antwerp's most well-known pubs\, but more info about the venue belo w. We'll be playing a minimum of 5 rounds of swiss on Saturday\, with a to p 8 cut on Sunday along with a Startup tournament that will have a prizing table.\n\nDates: Friday the 23rd to Sunday the 25th of September\nLoca tion: Café De Zure\, Dageraadplaats 4\, 2018 Antwerpen\nEntry Fee: €15\ nTO: Thomas “Cluster Fox” Van der Cruysse\nMarshall: Ruben "\;rube npieters"\; Pieters (member of the NSG Rules team)\nJudge: Floris &quo t\;Slowriffs"\; Sommen\n\nPRIZES\nParticipation: 3x alt art Anoetic Void (by Cat Shen)\nTop 16: 3x alt art Engolo (by Adam S. Doyle)\nTop 4: Hush playmat (By Scott Umiga)\nWinner: Belgian National Champion plaque (b y Jakuza) + invitation to the Circuit Breaker All-Star tournament\nAlso\, the highest placing player of each faction will receive an enamel pin to r epresent they were the best player\, so represent!\n(This also includes Ne utral.. wink wink nudge nudge.)\n---\nFRIDAY\nWe're not going to go too crazy\, but for out-of-towners or locals who want to hang out\, I'll be a t the venue at around 19:30 to have a quiet beer\, hang out\, bring some s ocial games like Skull\, Maffia de Cuba\, Trial by Trolley\,.. anyone is f ree to come hang out\, it's a great pub with nice drinks\, plenty of food options and feel free to bring your own games!\nSATURDAY\n10:30 – Regist ration\n11:00 – Start Round 1\n12:15 – Lunch Break\n13:00 – Start Ro und 2\n14:15 – Start Round 3\n15:30 – Start Round 4\n16:45 – Start R ound 5\n18:00 – Start Round 6 depending on attendance\, or announcing to p 8 + prizing\n\nSATURDAY EVENING\nI have reserved two Escape Rooms for Saturday evening! Playing will cost an additional €19pp\, they're a bit more in the city center but I will guide you there and they're at 20:15 s o ample time to get food and head there before it starts. You can sign up using this link:\n\nAdditionally\, we c an still all hang at the venue and on the square\, there's no pressure to join\, if we don't have enough people I can always cancel.\n\nSUNDAY\n1 2:00 – Registration Startup\n12:30 – Startup start\n13:00 – Start to p 8\n18:00 – Estimated end of the event + prizing\n\nWe’ll start a bit later on Sunday so people don’t have to rush\, but there won’t be a lunch break so make sure you’ve gotten something to eat before we star t! There will of course be separate prizing for the Startup Tournament\, w hich will consist of 4 rounds of swiss. It is also possible to only play i n the Startup side-event\, for which we’re charging €5\, but it would be a shame to miss out on the main shindig!\n\nTOURNAMENT\nAs this is a Co mpetitive-level event\, the format will be Standard\, so from Red Sands cy cle through to The Automata Initiative. An overview and the Standard Ban L ist can be found here: rd. The Standard Ban List will be enforced\, and for all intents and purpo ses WE WILL BE USING THE NEW UPDATED BAN LIST. This means Keeling and Drea mNet are banned\, while Laamb is legal. Decklists are mandatory. All cards must be in opaque sleeves. Proxies for any legal card are perfectly fine\ , but they must be of decent quality and immediately recognizable as the c ard they represent. You can find print &\; play versions of the cards o n the product page: of the Nisei website.\n--- \nVENUE\nDe Zure has a rich history of being one of the preeminent pubs in the city of Antwerp. It's a retro-style cozy place with a wide range o f premium Belgian beers and or course other spirits and non-alcoholic beve rages. They also serve decent food! De Zure is situated on a lovely square that's spanned over by a net dotted with lights\, so every night looks li ke a starlit canopy. There are tons of places to eat in the immediate area \, from asian to mexican to fusion french\, to the humble Belgian "\;f rituur"\;\, with plenty of vegan options. There are also plenty of bar s in the area that do live music\, as well as the LGBTQ+ flagship place ca lled "\;Den Draak"\; which is just around the corner.\nFor our eve nt\, we're using the the space behind the pub and it has a side entrance\, it's to the right of the terrace and you'll notice it by the Netrunner ba nner stood just inside. We have our own space with tables\, beamers for th e timers\, a DJ booth to do announcements and play some latent synthwave d uring rounds\, our own private toilets\, and of course access to the pub i tself with it's sunny terrace. We will also have our own bar inside the ve nue stocked with coffee\, tea\, softdrinks and select beers which we will be bartending ourselves.\n\nPUBLIC TRANSPORT\nUnfortunately the city has j ust been reorganising the tram line that runs from the central station to the venue. If AT ALL POSSIBLE\, get off at Antwerpen Berchem station\, it' s walking distance from there. From the central station you'll need to cro ss the Astrid Plein to get to the 9\, the 20\, or the 32 and get off at ha lt Zurenborg. A little further down is a tunnel under the railway and if y ou keep going straight you'll get to the venue.\nAs for overnighting there are plenty of hotels in the area:\nhttps://tulip-inn-antwerpen.goldentuli\n\n\nIf you're willing to go have a bit longer of a walk / figure out public transport e veryday\, there's a great hostel in the city as well as a Holliday Inn:\nh ttps://\n werp/anrcc/hoteldetail...\nAlways AirBnB's in the area aswell\, which lead s in to the last section of this post (finally)..\n\nJACK IN\nStay connect ed and be on top of any updates we post! Meet up with fellow travellers to Antwerp\, find lodgings\, meet up for games!\nFacebook: https://www.faceb\nStimhack Slack: channel #belgian-nationals \nDiscord:\nHope to see you all soon\, and a lways be running my friends.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We t hank you for your patience in finalizing the 2023 Belgian National Champio nship for Android: Netrunner and we’ll be hosting the event in beautiful Antwerp! This year we have something special planned: instead of a game s tore\, we've sorted out a private spacious room behind one of Antwerp's mo st well-known pubs\, but more info about the venue below. We'll be playing a minimum of 5 rounds of swiss on Saturday\, with a top 8 cut on Sunday a long with a Startup tournament that will have a prizing table.\n\nDates : Friday the 23rd to Sunday the 25th of September\nLocation: Café De Zure \, Dageraadplaats 4\, 2018 Antwerpen\nEntry Fee: €15\nTO: Thomas “Clus ter Fox” Van der Cruysse\nMarshall: Ruben "\;rubenpieters"\; Pie ters (member of the NSG Rules team)\nJudge: Floris "\;Slowriffs"\; Sommen\n\nPRIZES\nParticipation: 3x alt art Anoetic Void (by Cat Shen) \nTop 16: 3x alt art Engolo (by Adam S. Doyle)\nTop 4: Hush playmat (By Sc ott Umiga)\nWinner: Belgian National Champion plaque (by Jakuza) + invitat ion to the Circuit Breaker All-Star tournament
\nAlso\, the highest placing player of each faction will receive an enamel pin to represent the y were the best player\, so represent!\n(This also includes Neutral.. wink wink nudge nudge.)
\n---\nFRIDAY\nWe're not going to go too craz y\, but for out-of-towners or locals who want to hang out\, I'll be at the venue at around 19:30 to have a quiet beer\, hang out\, bring some social games like Skull\, Maffia de Cuba\, Trial by Trolley\,.. anyone is free t o come hang out\, it's a great pub with nice drinks\, plenty of food optio ns and feel free to bring your own games!
\nSATURDAY\n10:30 – Regi stration\n11:00 – Start Round 1\n12:15 – Lunch Break\n13:00 – Start Round 2\n14:15 – Start Round 3\n15:30 – Start Round 4\n16:45 – Start Round 5\n18:00 – Start Round 6 depending on attendance\, or announcing top 8 + prizing\n\nSATURDAY EVENING\nI have reserved two Escape Rooms f or Saturday evening! Playing will cost an additional €19pp\, they're a b it more in the city center but I will guide you there and they're at 20:15 so ample time to get food and head there before it starts. You can sign u p using this link:\n\nAdditionally\, we can still all hang at the venue and on the square\, there's no pressure t o join\, if we don't have enough people I can always cancel.\n\nSUNDAY\ n12:00 – Registration Startup\n12:30 – Startup start\n13:00 – Start top 8\n18:00 – Estimated end of the event + prizing\n\nWe’ll start a bit later on Sunday so people don’t have to rush\, but there won’t b e a lunch break so make sure you’ve gotten something to eat before we st art! There will of course be separate prizing for the Startup Tournament\, which will consist of 4 rounds of swiss. It is also possible to only< /em> play in the Startup side-event\, for which we’re charging €5\, bu t it would be a shame to miss out on the main shindig!
\nTOU RNAMENT\nAs this is a Competitive-level event\, the format will be Standar d\, so from Red Sands cycle through to The Automata Initiative. An overvie w and the Standard Ban List can be found here: upported-formats/#standard. The Standard Ban List will be enforced\, and f or all intents and purposes WE WILL BE USING THE NEW UPDATED BAN LIST. Thi s means Keeling and DreamNet are banned\, while Laamb is legal. Decklists are mandatory. All cards must be in opaque sleeves. Proxies for any legal card are perfectly fine\, but they must be of decent quality and immediate ly recognizable as the card they represent. You can find print &\; play versions of the cards on the product page: of the Nisei website.
\n---\nVENUE\nDe Zure has a rich history of b eing one of the preeminent pubs in the city of Antwerp. It's a retro-style cozy place with a wide range of premium Belgian beers and or course other spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. They also serve decent food! De Zure is situated on a lovely square that's spanned over by a net dotted with l ights\, so every night looks like a starlit canopy. There are tons of plac es to eat in the immediate area\, from asian to mexican to fusion french\, to the humble Belgian "\;frituur"\;\, with plenty of vegan option s. There are also plenty of bars in the area that do live music\, as well as the LGBTQ+ flagship place called "\;Den Draak"\; which is just around the corner.\nFor our event\, we're using the the space behind the p ub and it has a side entrance\, it's to the right of the terrace and you'l l notice it by the Netrunner banner stood just inside. We have our own spa ce with tables\, beamers for the timers\, a DJ booth to do announcements a nd play some latent synthwave during rounds\, our own private toilets\, an d of course access to the pub itself with it's sunny terrace. We will also have our own bar inside the venue stocked with coffee\, tea\, softdrinks and select beers which we will be bartending ourselves.
\nPU BLIC TRANSPORT\nUnfortunately the city has just been reorganising the tram line that runs from the central station to the venue. If AT ALL POSSIBLE\ , get off at Antwerpen Berchem station\, it's walking distance from there. From the central station you'll need to cross the Astrid Plein to get to the 9\, the 20\, or the 32 and get off at halt Zurenborg. A little further down is a tunnel under the railway and if you keep going straight you'll get to the venue.\nAs for overnighting there are plenty of hotels in the a rea:\n\nhttp://www.arasshotel. be/\n\nIf you're willing to go have a bit long er of a walk / figure out public transport everyday\, there's a great host el in the city as well as a Holliday Inn:\n n/antwerp\n\nAlw ays AirBnB's in the area aswell\, which leads in to the last section of th is post (finally)..
\nJACK IN\nStay connected and be on top of any updates we post! Meet up with fellow travellers to Antwerp\, find l odgings\, meet up for games!\nFacebook: 8068878984403\nStimhack Slack: channel #belgian-nationals\nDiscord: https: //
\nHope to see you all soon\, and always be r unning my friends.