BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3699alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20230418T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20230418T235900 URL: ture LOCATION:5442 S Tacoma Way\, Tacoma\, WA 98409\, USA SUMMARY:Tacoma System Startup - Overture CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hell\, it's about time.\nCome join us at the Silver King game s tore to play a friendly Netrunner Startup tournament!\nTuesday\, April 18t h\, 2023\, register at 6:00 PM. First round starts at 6:30 PM.\nNO entry f ee\, but please buy a drink or snack from the Silver King store to support them!\nRounds will be Double Sided Swiss\, with players taking turns play ing both the Corp and Runner for each round. (Approximately 3 rounds\, 60 minutes each.) A tiebreaker cut will be added if necessary. Printed proxy cards are legal.\nNewer players are always welcome to join us - extra deck s are available if you don't have your own cards yet. We also meet regular ly every Tuesday at the same time - feel free to stop by to learn the game or play against other players. More events to come!\nAny questions\, plea se message the TO on Discord @ Streke#8317.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hell\, it's about time.
me join us at the Silver King game store to play a friendly Netrunner
Tuesday\, April 18th\, 20 23\, register at 6:00 PM. First round starts at 6:30 PM.\nNO entry fee\, but please buy a drink or snack from the Silver King store to support them!
\nRounds will be Double Sided Swiss\, with players taking turns playing both the Corp and Runner for each round. (Approximately 3 rounds\, 60 minutes e ach.) A tiebreaker cut will be added if necessary. Printed proxy card s are legal.
\nNewer players are always welcome to join us - extra d ecks are available if you don't have your own cards yet. We also meet regu larly every Tuesday at the same time - feel free to stop by to learn the g ame or play against other players. More events to come!
\nAny questi ons\, please message the TO on Discord @ Streke#8317.