BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3696alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20230520T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20230520T235900 URL: -startup LOCATION:9012 Research Blvd #1\, Austin\, TX 78758\, USA SUMMARY:Austin 2023 Circuit Opener - Startup CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the Startup Circuit Opener for H1 2023! It follows the BOOSTED prize structure (double the prizes!)\nWinner: Invitation to the 20 23 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 4: Smartware Distributo r playmat.\nTop 8: 3x Boomerang alt art\nTop 16: 3x Seamless Launch.\n4 ne west highest ranked players: 3x Enigma (Worlds Promo). "\;Newest"\ ; determined by when you made your debut in one of my ABR events. I have a list. Ties broken by placement in standings.\nEveryone: Reverse prize dra ft of mystery alt arts!\nThe number of rounds is not fixed\, since this a sanctioned event. It is instead based on turnout:\n○ Up to 11 players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This is the Startup Circuit Opener for H1 2 023! It follows the BOOSTED prize structure (double the prizes!)
\n< strong>Winner: Invitation to the 2023 Circuit Breaker Invitationa l Championship.\nTop 4: Smartware Distributor playmat.\n< strong>Top 8: 3x Boomerang alt art\nTop 16: 3x S eamless Launch.\n4 newest highest ranked players: 3x Enig ma (Worlds Promo). "\;Newest"\; determined by when you made your d ebut in one of my ABR events. I have a list. Ties broken by place ment in standings.\nEveryone: Reverse prize draft of myst ery alt arts!
\nThe number of rounds is not fixed\, since this a san ctioned event. It is instead based on turnout:\n○ Up to 11 players: 3 ro unds\, no cut\n○ 12-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n○ 16-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 4