BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3692alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20230506T141500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20230506T235900 URL: 1-2023 LOCATION:James Wattstraat 73\, 1097 DL Amsterdam\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Amsterdam Circuit Opener H1 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Startup went through a significant update recently\, and we wil l test the waters in this Circuit Opener\nPracticalities:\n\n\nRegistratio n starts at 14.00\, round 1 starts at 14:15 sharp.\n\n\nThe format will be startup. The legal NSG sets are System Gateway\, System Update\, Midnight Sun + Parhelion.\n\n\nThere will be 3 swiss rounds of 65 minutes\, with a possible "\;finale"\; between the number 1 and 2 of swiss.\n\n\nE ntree fee is € 10. If at all possible\, pay beforehand and wire the mone y to NL57 INGB 0689 9171 20\, attn David Nys\, or to paypal at david_nys@m Don't forget to mention your name. A tikkie on the day also works. \n\n\nProxies are allowed\, as long as it is clear which card it is. Writt en notes in a sleeve will not be accepted.\n\n\nOutside drinks and food ar en't allowed. The venue sells various drinks and food.\n\n\nDavid Nys will be your TO. If you have any questions\, feel free to email david_nys@msn. com.\n\n\nPrize support:\nTop 8: 3x Seamless Launch\nTop 4: 3 x Boomerang\ nTop 2: Smartware Distributor playmat\nWinner: Invite to a Circuit Breaker invite only event + 3x Mestnichestvo with updated art work\nAdditional pr ize support:\nIf we have more than 8 players\, those who don't reach top 8 will get an ID or playset of their choosing from the prize pool.\nThe hig hest ranked newcomer (their first tournament)\, will receive a playset of Enigma's.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Startup went through a significant update r ecently\, and we will test the waters in this Circuit Opener




Prize support:


Top 8: 3x Seamless Launch\nTop 4: 3 x Boomerang\nTop 2: Smartware Distribu tor playmat\nWinner: Invite to a Circuit Breaker invite only event + 3x Me stnichestvo with updated art work


Additional prize support :


If we have more than 8 players\, those who don't reach top 8 will get an ID or playset of their choosing from the prize pool.


The highest ranked newcomer (their first tournament)\, will receive a playset of Enigma's.