BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3691alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20230415T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20230415T235900 URL: LOCATION:3229 Harney St\, Omaha\, NE 68131\, USA SUMMARY:Omaha Q1 GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:While the corpo drones are hard at work filing tax write-offs a nd budget spreadsheets\, the runners have found a vulnerable moment to str ike. Join us for an afternoon of high-stakes hacking!\nOn Saturday\, April 15th at Spielbound we are hosting a Netrunner Tournament. Registration st arts at 12:30 and games begin at 1 pm.\nLots of prizes will be available\, including Alt Arts of the ice destroying hardware\, Hippo\, and the credi t stealing ice\, Tollbooth.\nPlayers should bring one runner and one corp deck built for the Standard Format. You can read more about the format her e: Printed proxies are legal\, as we want everyone to be able to participate. I have extra decks I can lend as well\, dm me to coordinate.\nWeekly game nights on Thursday are ongoing. Stop by for a tutorial or to test your skills against other local runners.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

While the corpo drones are hard at work fil ing tax write-offs and budget spreadsheets\, the runners have found a vuln erable moment to strike. Join us for an afternoon of high-stakes hacking!< /p>\n

On Saturday\, April 15th at Spielbound we are hosting a Netrunner Tournament. Registration starts at 12:30 and games begin at 1 pm.


Lots of prizes will be available\, including Alt Arts of the ice destroyin g hardware\, Hippo\, and the credit stealing ice\, Tollbooth.


Play ers should bring one runner and one corp deck built for the Standard Forma t. You can read more about the format here: rs/supported-formats/ Printed proxies are legal\, as we want everyone to b e able to participate. I have extra decks I can lend as well\, dm me to co ordinate.


Weekly game nights on Thursday are ongoing. Stop by for a tutorial or to test your skills against other local runners.