BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3677alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230507 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230508 URL: er SUMMARY:NZ/APAC Online Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Online Circuit Opener primarily targeted at the NZ/APAC region. \nAnyone is welcome to enter.\nTime\nRegistration starts at 10AM NZ Time\, and the tournament starts at 10:30 AM.\nThe Event\nThis will be held onli ne via and the nsg event discord group. Voice chat is encourag ed\, but not mandatory.\nCardpool\nWe will be using whatever the latest ba nlist is\, and whatever the latest cardpool is (provided it's been up on j for a few days).\nEntry\n15 NZD per person (+ whatever fee even tbrite charges - this might change based on your region)\, payable here: h ttps:// 237\nPrizes\nAll prizes are shipped for free (except if I have to post a p laymat outside of APAC).\nThere will be a lucky draw for 1 playset of enig ma\, two playsets of the full art Send a Message/Jailbreak\, two playsets of my alt art Tollbooth\, one playset of Authenticator\, and a unique play set of alt art deep dives.\nThere's also a single set of my alt art (100% Orange Juice style) Artificial Cryptocrashes\, which I will hand out in so me way or another.\nIf you don't have anything at the end of the day\, I'l l find something in my promo pile to give you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Online Circuit Opener primarily targeted at the NZ/APAC region.
\nAnyone is welcome to enter.< /p>\n
Registration starts at 10AM NZ Time\, and the tourn ament starts at 10:30 AM.
\nThis will be held on line via and the nsg event discord group. Voice chat is encour aged\, but not mandatory.
\nWe will be using what ever the latest banlist is\, and whatever the latest cardpool is (provided it's been up on for a few days).
\n15 N ZD per person (+ whatever fee eventbrite charges - this might change based on your region)\, payable here: e-circuit-opener-tickets-620382660237
\nAll prizes are shipped for free (except if I have to post a playmat outside of APAC).
\nThere will be a lucky draw for 1 playset of enigma\, two playsets of the full art Send a Message/Jailbreak\, two playsets of my alt art Tol lbooth\, one playset of Authenticator\, and a unique playset of alt art de ep dives.
\nThere's also a single set of my alt art (100% Orange Jui ce style) Artificial Cryptocrashes\, which I will hand out in some way or another.
\nIf you don't have anything at the end of the day\, I'll f ind something in my promo pile to give you.