BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:367alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170225T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170225T235900 URL: LOCATION:Zoutmanstraat 94\, 2518 GT Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Dutch Invitationals 2016 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The date is final! :O\nThe Dutch Invitationals of 2016 will tak e place on the 25th of February at the Spellenhuis store in the Hague. The 8 best A:NR players of the Netherlands meta will fight it out for the tit le of Dutch Champion 2016.\nThe players are:\nJeroen (Best of Eindhoven me ta)\nMark Bisschops (Best Dutch player during Dutch Nationals)\nFabio Imag inarium (Best Newcomer)\nMelvin Dekker (Best of Hague/Leiden meta)\nElwin Rumplamiariearmalksadsjaoieamiar (Best of Enschede meta)\nAlexander van We ezel (Best of Rotterdam meta\, replacing Robert)\nNicolò Podesta (Best of Amsterdam meta)\nConstantine Kelfecil (Best standings in 2016 overall)\nT he tournament will start at 12:30 and it will be double elimination top 8. The pairings will be random and the first side picks will be random too.\ nIf you are not in the people invited\, you are more than welcome to come and watch (or play games on the side). You are actually going to get a par ticipation prize just for being there\, so totally worth it. :)\nPrizes:\n 1st place gets the Dutch Invitationals 2016 Champion mat\n2nd - 3rd place get something cool too\nRest just leave with the participation prize will be revealed on the day\nSee ya then and GOOD LUCK Y'ALL!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The date is final! :O
\nThe Dutch Inv itationals of 2016 will take place on the 25th of February at the Spellenh uis store in the Hague. The 8 best A:NR players of the Netherlands meta wi ll fight it out for the title of Dutch Champion 2016.
\nThe players are:\nJeroen (Best of Eindhoven meta)\nMark Bisschops (Best Dutch player d uring Dutch Nationals)\nFabio Imaginarium (Best Newcomer)\nMelvin Dekker ( Best of Hague/Leiden meta)\nElwin Rumplamiariearmalksadsjaoieamiar (Best o f Enschede meta)\nAlexander van Weezel (Best of Rotterdam meta\, replacing Robert)\nNicolò Podesta (Best of Amsterdam meta)\nConstantine Kelfecil ( Best standings in 2016 overall)
\nThe tournament will start at 12:30 and it will be double elimination top 8. The pairings will be random and the first side picks will be random too.
\nIf you are not in the peo ple invited\, you are more than welcome to come and watch (or play games o n the side). You are actually going to get a participation prize just for being there\, so totally worth it. :)
\nPrizes:\n1st place gets the Dutch Invitationals 2016 Champion mat\n2nd - 3rd place get something cool too\nRest just leave with the participation prize will be revealed on the day
\nSee ya then and GOOD LUCK Y'ALL!