BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3657alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230325 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230326 URL: est SUMMARY:2023-03 Accelerated Meta Test CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: Banlist will be 23.03. If you're interested in volun teering to help run (judge/stream/TO) this or future events please reach o ut to\n\nNetrunners - NSG will be hosting monthly even ts for all of '23!\nThis is the first one\, and is open to anyone who want s to play. These will be Circuit Openers\, but the only prizing will be an Invite to the Circuit Breaker Invitational in January of '24 for the top finisher (or top 2 if we exceed 20 entrants).\nThe event will be run throu gh the NSG Online Event Hub Discord. Registration will start the day befor e\, and close at 15:30 UTC. We anticipate this being between three and fou r rounds\, no cut (but if we exceed 20 people we will announce the modific ation to the format during the player meeting). The Player Meeting will st art at 15:45 UTC\, and the event will start at 16:00 UTC.\nIf you do not i ndicate attendance between 15:30 and 15:50 you will be dropped.\nThe event will be run on Decklists will not need to be submitted befor ehand.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

IMPORTANT: Banlist will be 23.03. If you're interested in volunteering to help run (judge/stream/TO) this or future events please reach out to



Netrunners - NSG will be hosting monthly events for all of '23!\n

This is the first one\, and is open to anyone who wants to play. Th ese will be Circuit Openers\, but the only prizing will be an Invite to th e Circuit Breaker Invitational in January of '24 for the top finisher (or top 2 if we exceed 20 entrants).


The event will be run through the NSG Online Event Hub Discord. Registration will start the day before\, and close at 15:30 UTC. We ant icipate this being between three and four rounds\, no cut (but if we excee d 20 people we will announce the modification to the format during the pla yer meeting). The Player Meeting will start at 15:45 UTC\, and the event w ill start at 16:00 UTC.


If you do not indicate attendance between 15:30 and 15:50 you will be dropped.


The event will be run on Jint Decklists will not need to be submitted beforehand.