BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3655alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20230909T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20230910T235900 URL: championship-gz-ffg LOCATION:1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:2023 Off The Grid Midwest Championship @ GZ (FFG) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: OTG and the Mead Crüe use swears and act haughty in our tournament descriptions\, but it's very much in a joking spirit. We'r e Minnesota Nice. That said: Come get some.|\n\n2023 Off The Grid Midwest Championship\nYou know what it is. We got that one finger salute up high\, and Minnesota's favorite illicit bloodsport is coming at you for yet anot her outing. The Mead Crüe are at it again\, making sure that our yearly t raddition is strong with the 2023 Midwest Championship. It's going down\, and all to answer that age old question: Who will be King in the North?\nA s is tradition\, we ride up on the GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Gam e Center) like we motherf***ing own the joint. That's right: We run Netrun ner at the old stomping grounds\, where it all started. This year\, we're going as hard as ever\, with the 2023 Midwest Championship on Saturday\, a nd a return of the Gods of the Grid Team Tournament on Sunday.\nMore detai ls are to come\, so eyes on this spot to see more of that OTG swag. And th e prizes\, too.\nDetails\nThis event is being held at GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Games Event Center). For those that don’t know\, the add ress is: 1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA.\nDue to some generous sponsors\, the tickets are much less this year! Entry Fee will be $25 via Eventbrite. The ticket entitles you to both events. Tickets are o n sale 03/18/23 and will be available until sold out or the day of.\nWe ne ed people to pre-order the tix to support the event and to get an idea of attendance. We will do same-day registrations and payment\, but it is not ideal. Although we don't expect to hit it\, we have a cap of 114 seats (wi th possible wiggle room)\, so a pre-order guarantees you a spot. Possible increases in the cap will be looked at if we reach it.\nFULL NSG TOURNEY R ULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL\, AND PACK LEGALITY WILL BE OBSERVED. Even though this is an illicit event\, not tied to NSG\, we’re not animals. Please familiarize yourself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will be following them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual compe titive Netrunner.\nOn both days there will be a lunch break\, around 1:00P M\, will be observed for lunch and/or dinner. GZ has food\, but does not a llow anything ordered in. The break will be roughly an hour. Plan accordin gly. There's not a whole lot close other than nasty fast food. And Portill os. Portillos f***s.\nDay 1 - 09/09/2023 - Main Event Swiss\nDecklists Req uired. Ticket Required (Click Here). NSG Standard Format.\nTHIS WILL BE A CIRCUIT OPENER OR NATIONALS KIT WITH CUSTOM PRIZES. APPLICATION FOR NATS P ENDING. OFFICIAL KIT PRIZES WILL BE AVAILABLE!\nMain Event goes down at 10 :00AM CT on 9/9/23. Registration with END roughly at 10:30AM\, with cards hitting the tables at 10:45AM. Rounds will also be 65 minutes. 6 rounds o f Swiss will be held\, unless there is attendance to support more.\nWe wil l do a Top 8 Cut\, unless attendance is shockingly low or shockingly high. Those who made it will be locked and announced at end of Day 1. The Cut w ill be on Day 2.\nDecklists will be required. Participants will need to su bmit a physical copy\, which can be done onsite or done beforehand and pri nted out. As long as the list is legible\, any physical copy will be accep table and doesn't need to be the NSG standard sheet.\nDay 2 - 09/10/2023 - Cut &\; Gods of the Grid\nNo Decklists. Ticket Required (Click Here). NSG Standard Format. Teams of 3\, No Repeat Factions/IDs.\nCheck the Gods of the Grid ABR for additional details on this event.\nAt the same time as Gods of the Grid\, we will be completing the Main Event Cut. This will st art at roughly 10:15/10:20AM CT. We will attempt to include some breaks du ring rounds for breathers\, but the goal is to fire them off as quick as p ossible since we must conclude by 6:00PM CT. A lunch break may happen\, bu t will be put to a vote for those in the Cut.\nFor GotG Team Members in th e Cut: For one (1) missing member\, the remaining members may elect to pil ot their homie's deck but they also agree to forfeit games that go to time . For one (1) or two (2) missing members\, the team may elect to tag-in fo lks that otherwise would not have played on the day. For three (3) missing members\, the team cannot compete and will be dropped.\nLinks\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNSG Code of Conduct\nN SG OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format\n(Any and all event details are subject to change. In the case of any saltiness\, please know that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismissed .)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
IMPORTANT: OTG and the Mea d Crüe use swears and act haughty in our tournament descriptions\, but it 's very much in a joking spirit. We're Minnesota Nice. That said: Come get some.|
\nYou know what it is. We got that one finger salute up high\, and Minnesota's favorite illicit bloodsport is co ming at you for yet another outing. The Mead Crüe are at it again\, makin g sure that our yearly traddition is strong with the 2023 Midwest Champion ship. It's going down\, and all to answer that age old question: W ho will be King in the North?
\nAs is tradition\, we ride u p on the GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Game Center) like we motherf* **ing own the joint. That's right: We run Netrunner at the old stomping gr ounds\, where it all started. This year\, we're going as hard as ever\, wi th the 2023 Midwest Championship on Saturday\, and a return of the Gods of the Grid Team Tournament on Sunday.
\nMore details are to come\, so eyes on this spot to see more of that OTG swag. And the prizes\, too.
\nThis event is being held at GameZe nter (formerly Fantasy Flight Games Event Center). For those that don’t know\, the address is: 1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 5511 3\, USA.
\nDue to some generous sponsors\, the tickets are much less this year! Entry Fee will be $25 via Eventbrite. The ticket enti tles you to both events. Tickets are on sale 03/18/23 and will be available until sold out or the day of.
\nWe need people to pre-order the tix to support th e event and to get an idea of attendance. We will do same-day reg istrations and payment\, but it is not ideal. Although we don't expect to hit it\, we have a cap of 114 seats (with possible wiggle room)\, so a pre -order guarantees you a spot. Possible increases in the cap will be looked at if we reach it.
\nFULL NSG TOURNEY RULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL\, AND PACK LEGALITY WILL BE OBSERVED. Even though this is an illicit event\, not tied to NSG\, we’re not animals. Please familiarize yourself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will be fol lowing them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual competitive Netr unner.
\nOn both days there will be a lunch break\, around 1:00PM\, will be observed for lunch and/or dinner. GZ has food\, but does not allow anything ordered in. The break will be roughly an hour. Plan accordingly. There's not a whole lot close other than nasty fast food. And Portillos. Portillos f***s.
\n< strong>Decklists Required. Ticket Required ( Click Here). NSG Standard Format.
\nWe will do a Top 8 Cut\, unless attendance is shockingly low or shockingly high. Those who ma de it will be locked and announced at end of Day 1. The Cut will be on Day 2.
\nDecklists will be required. Participants will need to submit a physical copy\, which can be done onsite or done beforeh and and printed out. As long as the list is legible\, any physical copy wi ll be acceptable and doesn't need to be the NSG standard sheet.
\nNo Deckli sts. Ticket Required (Click Here). NSG S tandard Format. Teams of 3\, No Repeat Factions/IDs.
\nAt the same time as Gods of the Grid\, we will be completing the Main Event Cut. This will st art at roughly 10:15/10:20AM CT. We will attempt to include some breaks du ring rounds for breathers\, but the goal is to fire them off as quick as p ossible since we must conclude by 6:00PM CT. A lunch break may happen\, bu t will be put to a vote for those in the Cut.
\nFor GotG Tea m Members in the Cut: For one (1) missing member\, the remaining members may elect to pilot their homie's deck but they also agree to forfe it games that go to time. For one (1) or two (2) missing members\, the tea m may elect to tag-in folks that otherwise would not have played on the da y. For three (3) missing members\, the team cannot compete and will be dro pped.
(Any and all event de tails are subject to change. In the case of any saltiness\, please know th at any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismissed.)< /em>