BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:365alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170122T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170122T235900 URL: LOCATION:Korte Houtstraat 13\, 2511 CC Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Christmas Tournament 2016 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The annual Christmas tournament of the Dutch Community!\n"\ ;Happy new year everyone!\nWe know it's a lil bit too late to celebrate Ch ristmas\, but as per the community's request\, since most people couldn't make it for the tournament in December\, we planned it for January.\nWhen: 22nd of January\, 10:30\nWhere: Den Haag\, Tabletop Kingdom\nWhaaaaaa?!: Standard Swiss with a top 2 table\nCool Prizes'n'Stuff: Big selection of m ats\, alternate arts and some very\, very exclusive stuff! Trust me\, you wanna bring your A game! (but also be fun\, ya know!)\n(Hint\, hint...ther e'll be some really cool stuff for the top places too \;))\nWhy: Every yea r\, our Christmas events\, tend to be the epitome of all the organized eve nts we run in the Netherlands\, after the Dutch Nationals weekend that we' ve been running for 2 years now\, the Christmas events are the next best t hing. So come on all over to Tabletop Kingdom on the 22nd of January and e at a bunch of Christmas sweets while you play some Christmasy Netrunner. J ust like every year\, the prizes will be exquisite and very special!\nLook in' forward to seeing you all and wishing you happy new year up close too! "\;\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The annual Christmas tournament of the Dutc h Community!
\n"\;Happy new year everyone!
\nWe know it's a lil bit too late to celebrate Christmas\, but as per the community's req uest\, since most people couldn't make it for the tournament in December\, we planned it for January.
\nWhen: 22nd of January\, 10:30\nWhere: Den Haag\, Tabletop Kingdom\nWhaaaaaa?!: Standard Swiss with a top 2 table
\nCool Prizes'n'Stuff: Big selection of mats\, alternate arts and s ome very\, very exclusive stuff! Trust me\, you wanna bring your A game! ( but also be fun\, ya know!)\n(Hint\, hint...there'll be some really cool s tuff for the top places too \;))
\nWhy: Every year\, our Christmas e vents\, tend to be the epitome of all the organized events we run in the N etherlands\, after the Dutch Nationals weekend that we've been running for 2 years now\, the Christmas events are the next best thing. So come on al l over to Tabletop Kingdom on the 22nd of January and eat a bunch of Chris tmas sweets while you play some Christmasy Netrunner. Just like every year \, the prizes will be exquisite and very special!
\nLookin' forward to seeing you all and wishing you happy new year up close too!"\;