BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3648alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230401T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230401T235900 URL: rcuit-opener LOCATION:Lietzenburger Str. 37\, 10789 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Berlin - Borealis Startup Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:With the arrival or the second part of Borealis\, the Startup F ormat experienced its first rotation. Now that you've had some time to pla y around with the new card pool\, we invite you to come join us in a casua l-level competition and have fun at a Netrunner event!\nLocation Update\nT he address on the sidebar is only approximately correct\; you will need to enter into Lietzenburger Str. 39\, 10789 Berlin\, Germany\, where we will be playing in "\;Raum Worms"\; on 3.OG (fourth floor). I will als o put up signage for directions.\nRegistration\nPlease send me an e-mail a t to register and receive payment details.\nWe will be taking an entry/participation/organizational fee of 13\,- EUR. Thi s can paid preferably via online transfer\, but in a pinch payment in cash at the venue is also possible.\nEvent\nThis will be the official Berlin S tartup Circuit Opener for 2023 H1.\nThe event starts at 10:00 local time a nd is planned to conclude by 19:00\, and we will have a 30 min break in be tween.\nWe will probably have dinner afterwards\, so feel free to join.\nI have not managed to get my hands on streaming equipment\, so no games wil l be streamed.\nFormat\nTO is Girometics (Girometics#2007 on Discord).\nWe will be playing 4 (four) rounds of Double-sided Swiss and have a Top 3 Cu t.\nAllowed sets: System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, Borealis Cycle (Mi dnight Sun + Parhelion) (as a list)\nProxies of acceptable quality (color or grayscale) are permitted. (For details consult the Official NSG Organiz ed Play Policies)\nPlease send me your decklists before the event starts a t\, preferably as a netrunnerdb link or a .txt- file.\nOpaque sleeves are mandatory.\nTO will participate depending on the number of attendees and parity.\nFood and Drinks\nThe venue does not sell food or drinks\, so you are invited to bring your own.\nThere is also an Eastern European Supermarket across the street and an Edeka is nearby.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
With the arrival or the second part of Bore alis\, the Startup Format experienced its first rotation. Now that you've had some time to play around with the new card pool\, we invite you to com e join us in a casual-level competition and have fun at a Netrunner event!
\nThe address on the sidebar is only appr
oximately correct\; you will need to enter into Lietzenburger Str.
Please send me an e-mail at to register and receive payment details.\nWe will be taking an entry/participation/organi zational fee of 13\,- EUR. This can paid preferably via o nline transfer\, but in a pinch payment in cash at the venue is also possi ble.
\nThis will be the official Berlin Startup Circ uit Opener for 2023 H1.\nThe event starts at 10:00 local time and is planned to conclude by 19:00\, and we will have a 30 min break in between.\nWe will probably have dinner afterwards\, so feel free to jo in.\nI have not managed to get my hands on streaming equipment\, so no gam es will be streamed.
\nTO is Girometics (Girometics #2007 on Discord).\nWe will be playing 4 (four) rounds of Double-sided Swi ss and have a Top 3 Cut.\nAllowed sets: System Gateway\, System Update 202 1\, Borealis Cycle (Midnight Sun + Parhelion) (as a list)\nProxies of acceptable quality (color or grayscale) are permitted. (For details consult the Official NSG Organized Play Policies)\nPlease send me your de cklists before the event starts at\, p referably as a netrunnerdb link or a .txt-file.\nOpaque sleeves are mandat ory.\nTO will participate depending on the number of attendees and parity.
\nThe venue does not sel l food or drinks\, so you are invited to bring your own.\ nThere is also an Eastern European Supermarket across the street and an Ed eka is nearby.