BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3646alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230328T184000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230328T235900 URL: rch-2023 LOCATION:61 Tithebarn St\, Liverpool L2 2SB\, UK SUMMARY:Liverpool Netrunner GNK - March 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It's been a while since our last GNK and as such I've accidentl y stockpiled some prizes that will be rotating soon - so this month's even t will be a double GNK - double the prizes for participation and for winni ng! The event will happen at the usual Tuesday meet on Tuesday 28th March. Registration will start at 18:00\, starting round 1 at 18:40pm. We'll be using JustPlay's private gaming room to host the event (to be confirmed).\ nThe GNK will consist of 3 rounds of Swiss games timed at 60 minutes each. The slightly shorter time allows us to ensure we can get all games in wit h an aim to finish around 22:00.\nThis will be casual level event using th e Standard format with Standard Ban List 23.03 in effect (https://nullsign\nEntry for the GNK will be £7.50 to be paid on the night to Simon Ho\nPrizes\nHarbinger (Participation)\nA fshar (Participation)\nDJ Fenris (Champion)\nChiyashi (Champion)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It's been a while since our last GNK and as such I've accidently stockpiled some prizes that will be rotating soon - so this month's event will be a double GNK - double the prizes for partici pation and for winning! The event will happen at the usual Tuesday meet on Tuesday 28th March. Registration will start at 18:00\, starting round 1 a t 18:40pm. We'll be using JustPlay's private gaming room to host the event (to be confirmed).
\nThe GNK will consist of 3 rounds of Swiss game s timed at 60 minutes each. The slightly shorter time allows us to ensure we can get all games in with an aim to finish around 22:00.
\nThis w ill be casual level event using the Standard format with Standard Ban List 23.03 in effect (
\nEntry for the GNK will be £7.50 to be paid on the night to Simon Ho
\nPrizes\nHarbinger (Participation)\nAfshar (Participation)
\ nDJ Fenris (Champion)\nChiyashi (Champion)