BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3641alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20230401T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20230401T235900 URL: achenscht LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:GNK Q1 Aprils Fools Day Drachenäscht CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:GNK Q1 April Fools’ Day Drachenäscht\nAlmost Standard Tourna ment in Bern\nWhat is it?\nIt is a casual tournament in Standard format wi th a twist.\nI don’t like to read\, what do I need to know?\nBuild norma l decks. Bring extra sleeves.\nRules\nEach player builds Standard format d ecks for Corp and Runner. At the venue you will get 2 additional cards\, t he Aprils Fools’ agendas. These are 3/0 Agendas that have to included in the Corp deck. They do not count against your deck limit as they would pe r usual rules. That means\, e.g.\, the Corp deck can be 51 cards with 20 A genda points.\nDuring the games\, the Runners put their April Fools’ Age ndas on the table.\nWhen the Runner steals an April's Fool Agenda\, they t ake it and include it in their Corp deck\, starting with the next game. Th is means a Corp deck can increase in size over the course of the tournamen t.\nWhen the Corp scores an April Fools’ Agenda\, they take 1 of the Run ner's April Fools’ Agendas (if possible).\nForfeiting April Fools’ Age ndas does work as usual and does not remove them from your possession.\nWh enever a April Fools’ Agenda is scored or stolen\, players roll a d10 an d consult the following table for the effect:\n1: Swap 2 installed ice.\n2 : You have to wear the Viking Helmet for the rest of the round.\n3: Instal l a card from your HQ (or Grip).\n4: You get a heartfelt fistbump from you r opponent.\n5: Get a piece of chocolate from the tournament organizer.\n6 : Shuffle 1 card from HQ (or your Grip) into R&\;D (or your Stack).\n7: Deal 1 net damage (Corp) / Sabotage 1 (Runner)\n8: Place 1 credit on an i nstalled card.\n9: Add one card from Archives (or yourHeap) to HQ (or your Grip).\n10: You may pay 2 credits to choose an option from above.\nAt the end of the tournament\, the player with the most will get an additional p rize\nI am being serious here... or I might just be fooling you...\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It is a casual tournament in Standard format with a twist.
\nBuild normal decks. B ring extra sleeves.
\nEach player builds Standard fo rmat decks for Corp and Runner. At the venue you will get 2 additional car ds\, the Aprils Fools’ agendas. These are 3/0 Agendas that have to inclu ded in the Corp deck. They do not count against your deck limit as they wo uld per usual rules. That means\, e.g.\, the Corp deck can be 51 cards wit h 20 Agenda points.
\nDuring the games\, the Runners put their April Fools’ Agendas on the table.\nWhen the Runner steals an April's Fool Ag enda\, they take it and include it in their Corp deck\, starting with the next game. This means a Corp deck can increase in size over the course of the tournament.
\nWhen the Corp scores an April Fools’ Agenda\, th ey take 1 of the Runner's April Fools’ Agendas (if possible).
\nFo rfeiting April Fools’ Agendas does work as usual and does not remove the m from your possession.
\nWhenever a April Fools’ Agenda is scored or stolen\, players roll a d10 and consult the following table for the ef fect:\n1: Swap 2 installed ice.\n2: You have to wear the Viking Helmet for the rest of the round.\n3: Install a card from your HQ (or Grip).\n4: You get a heartfelt fistbump from your opponent.\n5: Get a piece of chocolate from the tournament organizer.\n6: Shuffle 1 card from HQ (or your Grip) into R&\;D (or your Stack).\n7: Deal 1 net damage (Corp) / Sabotage 1 ( Runner)\n8: Place 1 credit on an installed card.\n9: Add one card from Arc hives (or yourHeap) to HQ (or your Grip).\n10: You may pay 2 credits to ch oose an option from above.
\nAt the end of the tournament\, the play er with the most will get an additional prize
\nI am being serious h ere... or I might just be fooling you...