BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3619alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20230304T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20230304T235900 URL: LOCATION:1797 Shattuck Ave. Ste A\, Berkeley\, CA 94709\, USA SUMMARY:VPC Highlander Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Highlander tournament at Victory Point Cafe in Berkeley\, Satur day\, March 4th.\nRegistration starts at 10:30\, play begins at 11.\n3 swi ss rounds\, no cut.\nEntry fee is $10 and we encourage players to buy food and drink from the cafe.\nA Highlander tournament draws its name from the (in)famous movies and tv show\, whose slogan is "\;There can be only one."\; Therefore\, you may include only one copy of any card in your deck!\nThe only legal IDs for this tournament will be:\nRunner - Nova Ini tiumia: Catalyst &\; Impetus\nCorp - Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone\nP rizes will be the Q4 GNK kit and our selection of local alt-arts. Everybo dy will leave with something!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Highlander tournament at Victory Point Cafe in Berkeley\, Saturday\, March 4th.\nRegistration starts at 10:30\, play begins at 11.\n3 swiss rounds\, no cut.\nEntry fee is $10 and we encourage players to buy food and drink from the cafe.
\nA Highlander tournam ent draws its name from the (in)famous movies and tv show\, whose slogan i s "\;There can be only one."\; Therefore\, you may include only o ne copy of any card in your deck!\nThe only legal IDs for this tournament will be:\nRunner - Nova Initiumia: Catalyst &\; Impetus\nCorp - Ampère : Cybernetics For Anyone
\nPrizes will be the Q4 GNK kit and our sel ection of local alt-arts. Everybody will leave with something!