BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3603alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230226T160000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230226T235900 URL: ment LOCATION:18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS\, UK SUMMARY:Netbrummers Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hi everyone!\nWe’re running a Startup tournament! In Birmingh am! Yeah!\nWe’re gonna be playing three rounds to determine who is the b est Startup player in all of Birmingham (and maybe adjacent regions too)\, but more importantly to have a lovely time. It’s going to be very casua l\, so should be an ideal space for those of you who’ve played a few gam es and are looking for a friendly space for your first tournament.\nEntry is £5\, which covers the cost of prizes (including participation prizes w hich everyone will get). There is a limit of 16 spaces for this tournament .\nHere are all of the details you need to know:\nLocation\nWe will be at Geek Retreat Birmingham (18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS)\, which Google Maps says is a twenty minute walk from Birmingham New Street station or a short walk from St Pauls tram station. While it’s free to hire tables at the venue (the entry cost is solely to pay for prizes)\, they do not allo w outside food and drink.\nTimings and Format\nThe event is on Sunday 26th February\, with registration open at 3:30pm and round 1 beginning at 4pm. Please arrive early enough to give yourself time to register! Also please contact me if you're running late.\nWe’ll be playing three rounds of 65 minutes\, with a break between rounds 2 and 3 to get food. We’ll end by 8pm at the latest.\nThis tournament is in the Startup format\, which mean s that all cards from System Gateway\, System Update and Borealis (so Midn ight Sun and Parhelion) are legal. If you're looking for deck ideas\, any deck with the word Startup in it from roughly December 2022 should be good !\nPrizes\nThe prizes for this event are Kalypso’s Stained Glass Gateway IDs.\nEveryone gets two IDs of their choice (subject to availability) at registration. If this is your first ever Netrunner tournament\, you get a third.\nThe rest of the IDs will be distributed as follows (this is on top of the participation prizes):\n\nFirst place: three additional IDs and a cheap trophy that I’ll hastily buy and customise.\nSecond place: three a dditional IDs.\n3rd and 4th: two additional IDs.\n5th-8th: one additional ID.\n\nIf I have any left over then we can work something out. I reserve t he right to change this prize structure if we have only a few attendees\, but the participation prizes will remain unchanged.\nNew players\nIf you ’re new and nervous about coming to your first tournament\, feel free to contact me if you’d like to talk about picking decks\, what to expect f rom the tournament or anything else about Netrunner. I may be a bit slow t o reply (third year PhD student life...) but I will get back to you when I can!\ntl\;dr\nThis is a casual tournament\, sign up if you want a place ( limit 16 players)\, £5 entry fee payable on the day\, participation prize s and prizes for winning too.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hi everyone!
\nWe’re running a Star tup tournament! In Birmingham! Yeah!
\nWe’re gonna be playing thre e rounds to determine who is the best Startup player in all of Birmingham (and maybe adjacent regions too)\, but more importantly to have a lovely t ime. It’s going to be very casual\, so should be an ideal space for thos e of you who’ve played a few games and are looking for a friendly space for your first tournament.
\nEntry is £5\, which covers the cost of prizes (including participation prizes which everyone will get). There is a limit of 16 spaces for this tournament.
\nHere a re all of the details you need to know:
\nWe will be at Geek Retreat Birmingham (18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS)\, which Google Maps says is a twenty minute walk from Birmingham New Street station or a short walk from St Pauls tram station. While it’ s free to hire tables at the venue (the entry cost is solely to pay for pr izes)\, they do not allow outside food and drink.
\nThe event is on Sunday 26th February \, with registration open at 3:30pm and round 1 beginning at 4pm. Please arrive early enough to give yourself time to regi ster! Also please contact me if you're running late.
\nWe’ll be pl aying three rounds of 65 minutes\, with a break between rounds 2 and 3 to get food. We’ll end by 8pm at the latest.
\nThis tournament is in the Startup format\, which means that all cards from System Gateway\, Syst em Update and Borealis (so Midnight Sun and Parhelion) are legal. If you'r e looking for deck ideas\, any deck with the word Startup in it from rough ly December 2022 should be good!
\nThe prizes for t his event are Kalypso’s Stained Glass Gateway IDs.
\nEveryone gets two IDs of their choice (subject to availab ility) at registration. If this is your first ever Netrunner tour nament\, you get a third.
\nThe rest of the IDs will be distributed as follows (this is on top of the participation prizes):
\nIf I have any left over then we can work something out. I reser ve the right to change this prize structure if we have only a few attendee s\, but the participation prizes will remain unchanged.
\nIf you’re new and nervous about coming to your first tournam ent\, feel free to contact me if you’d like to talk about picking decks\ , what to expect from the tournament or anything else about Netrunner. I m ay be a bit slow to reply (third year PhD student life...) but I will get back to you when I can!
\nThis is a casual tourname nt\, sign up if you want a place (limit 16 players)\, £5 entry fee payabl e on the day\, participation prizes and prizes for winning too.