BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3600alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230305T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230305T235900 URL: LOCATION:17 St Augustine's Parade\, Bristol BS1 4UR\, UK SUMMARY:Bristol Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Bristol Circuit Opener Tournament:\nVenue - Geek Retreat Bristo l - 17 St Augustine's Parade\, Bristol BS1 4UR (right in the centre of tow n)\n£10 per person entry\n\nNEW BAN LIST\nThe new NSG ban list will be ef fective from 3rd March and so in effect for this event!\nMore details here -\n\n3-5 Rounds of Swiss + cut dependant on turnout:\nRegistration starts 11am - First round starts 11.30am\nPrize Pool includes the official Null Signal Games CO Pri ze kit (see below) + extra alt arts etc - There will be participation priz es for everyone in attendance!\nWinner: Invitation to the 2023 Circuit Bre aker Invitational Championship.\nTop 2: Smartware Distributor playmat.\nTo p 4: 3x Boomerang alt art\nTop 8: 3x Seamless Launch.\nProxies are fully l egal - please get in contact if you would like help with making proxies or would like to borrow cards/decks - I am happy to help out as much as I ca n.\nIf you have any questions please reach out.\nPlease note - Geek retrea t is a cafe as well as a game shop and so they just ask that you buy any f ood and drink to be consumed from them.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Bristol Circuit Opener Tournament:
\nVenue - Geek Retreat Bristol - 17 St Augustine's Parade\, Bristol BS1 4UR (right in the centre of town)
\n£10 per person entry
\n3-5 Rounds of Swiss + cut d ependant on turnout:
\nRegistration starts 11am - First round starts 11.30am
\nPrize Pool includes the official Null Signal Games CO Pri ze kit (see below) + extra alt arts etc - There will be participation priz es for everyone in attendance!
\nWinner: Invitation to the 2023 Circ uit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 2: Smartware Distributor playm at.\nTop 4: 3x Boomerang alt art\nTop 8: 3x Seamless Launch.
\nProxi es are fully legal - please get in contact if you would like help with mak ing proxies or would like to borrow cards/decks - I am happy to help out a s much as I can.
\nIf you have any questions please reach out.
\nPlease note - Geek retreat is a cafe as well as a game shop and so they just ask that you buy any food and drink to be consumed from them.