BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:360alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20170209 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170210 URL: SUMMARY:ANRZH (Online-) LEAGUE 2017 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWith the Store Championships\, the Tournament Season has begu n. In addition to all the announced “local” tournaments (SC Bern\, SC Konstanz\, Genesis Zurich\, Winter Bern) we want to invite YOU to the ANDR OID NETRUNNER ZURICH CITY GRID LEAGUE 2017.\nLeague games can be played on line on or at any physical place. The “group stage” will b e during 6 weeks from February 12th to March 26th. Afterwards there will b e a Top Cut for the group leaders. Each group will consist of 4-6 players. The number of groups and the size of the Top Cut depends on the number of registered players. The idea is to play one round per week\, with one spa re round\, which allows player to find a time window for their games.\nYou are allowed to play different decks each round. Last legal Data Pack is Q uorum\, the latest MWL (from A:NR Tournament Regulations V2.0\, Jan 23\, 2 017) must be respected. There is no time limit during games.\nPrices will be from the Spring 2016 GNK\, Summer 2016 GNK or Quarter 1 2017 GNK\, depe nding on quantity of registered players.\nSign up fee is 3 CHF / EURO.\nAl l Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friend s from Konstanz and Ulm.\nPlease sign up until February 9th by sending an email with nickname\, first- and family name to\nDetailed information will follow after sign up\, a day before the League starts.\n Don’t hesitate to ask if you need additional information.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



With the Store Championships\, the Tou rnament Season has begun. In addition to all the announced “local” tou rnaments (SC Bern\, SC Konstanz\, Genesis Zurich\, Winter Bern) we want to invite YOU to the ANDROID NETRUNNER ZURICH CITY GRID LEAGUE 2017< /strong>.


League games can be played online on or at a ny physical place. The “group stage” will be during 6 weeks from February 12th to March 26th. Afterwards there will be a Top Cu t for the group leaders. Each group will consist of 4-6 players. The numbe r of groups and the size of the Top Cut depends on the number of registere d players. The idea is to play one round per week\, with one spare round\, which allows player to find a time window for their games.\nYou are allow ed to play different decks each round. Last legal Data Pack is Quorum\, th e latest MWL (from A:NR Tournament Regulations V2.0\, Jan 23\, 2017) must be respected. There is no time limit during games.


Prices will be from the Spring 2016 GNK\, Summer 2016 GNK or Quarter 1 2017 GNK\, dependi ng on quantity of registered players.


Sign up fee is 3 CHF / EURO.


All Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from Konstanz and Ulm.


Please sign up until F ebruary 9th by sending an email with nickname\, first- and family name to


Detailed information will follow after s ign up\, a day before the League starts.


Don’t hesitate to ask i f you need additional information.