BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3590alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20230218T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20230218T235900 URL: LOCATION:10982 Cedar Lake Rd\, Minnetonka\, MN 55305\, USA SUMMARY:2023 Q1 OTGNK @ Lodestone CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Off The Grid gets down and dirty with a quick bit of GNK goodne ss. Registration goes down at 10:00AM CT on 02/18/23. Cards hitting the ta bles at 10:30AM. Come get some.\n\nDetails\nNo Decklists. No Entry Fee. NS G Standard Format.\nThis event is being held at Lodestone Coffee &\; Ga mes. The address is: 10982 Cedar Lake Rd\, Minnetonka\, MN 55305\, USA.\nD onations to the OTG coffers OR a donation to ya boi Orbital Tangent are en couraged and would be much appreciated. Suggested dono is $5.\nLinks\nNSG Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format\n (Any and all event details are subject to change. In the case of any salti ness\, please know that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and s ummarily dismissed.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Off The Grid gets down and dirty with a qui ck bit of GNK goodness. Registration goes down at 10:00AM CT on 02/18/23. Cards hitting the tables at 10:30AM. Come get some.






No Decklists. No Entry Fee. NSG Standard Format.


This event is being held at Lodestone Coffee &\; Games. The address is: 10982 Cedar Lake Rd\, Minnetonka\, MN 55305\, USA.

\n< p>Donations to the OTG coffers OR a donation to ya boi Orbital Tangent are encouraged and would be much appreciated. Suggested dono is $5.


< strong>Links\nNSG Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Sta ndard Format


(Any and all event details are subje ct to change. In the case of any saltiness\, please know that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismissed.)