BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:359alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170312T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170312T235900 URL: ournament-1111-format SUMMARY:Netrunner & Ales: Game Night Tournament Format CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunner &\; Ales: Game Night Tournament Format\nAN :R &\; Ales - 2017 Q1 GNK\, retaining a focus on a casual enjoyment of the game within a semi structured environment.\nAims\nTo have a bit of fun .\nDate\n12th March 2017\nRegistration at 10:00am first game starts at 10: 30am\, anticipated finish 17:30\nLocation\nUK\, Hampshire\, Portsmouth\, F istful of Dice\, 72 Elm Grove:\nFistful Of Dice Facebook\nFistful Of Dice Website\nCost\n£5 until 12th Feb\, then £6 afterwards\nTickets will be s old on a first come first serve basis and will be able to be bought in adv ance from FoD website:\nBuy Tickets\nAwards &\; Prizes\n2017 Q1 GNK Tou rnament Kit\nFormat\nTHIS IS A SPECIAL FORMATTED EVENT\, PLEASE READ CAREF ULLY.\nLIMITED CARD POOL OF:\n1 Core Set\, 1 Deluxe\, 1 Data Pack &\; 1 Card\n*ID choice is not restricted by card pool (you can play an ID witho ut selecting the box or pack it came in)\n*You don’t need to use the sam e big box or Datapack for both Runner and Corp\n*The 1 off card is a 1 set of. E.g. 3 copies of Jackson Howard without having Opening Moves being yo u pack of choice\n*That’s a 1 set for runner then a 1 off set for Corp.\ n*No MWL in use\n*Decklists are required and if possible include list of w hich data packs and big boxes where used\n*A good reference can be found h ere:: Promotinal Poster (Thank you to the create of the image)\nOv erall it is expected to be your standard tournament structure.\n\n4/5 game s of Swiss.\n1 game consists of 2 matches\; players must play 1 match as t he Corporation and 1 match as the Runner per game.\nWinning a match will g ive you 3 points\, losing a match 0 points and if time is called the perso n who has the most agenda points will score 2 points.\nTime allocation for each game is 70mins\, which allows 35mins per match\, anticipated schedul e including below:\n\n10:30 >\; 11:45 – Game 1\n11:45 >\; 13:00 – Game 2\n13:00 >\; 13:30 – FOOD\n13:30 >\; 14:45 – Game 3\n14:45 &g t\; 16:00 – Game 4\n16:00 >\; 17:15 – Game 5\nSpecifics\n\nAll Data Packs &\; Deluxe Expansions which are generally available 2 weeks prior to the event will be legal for the purposes of constructing your Card Poo l.\nAlt Art cards are allowed as long as it is clear to both players what it is representing.\nOpaque or Pictured sleeves are required for all cards \, with the exception of the ID &\; Click Tracker cards.\nEach player w ill need legal decks for both Corporation and Runner\, the relevant tokens to play and deck lists.\nLatest FAQ will be followed\; however we should all support friendly play and encourage helping each other out during the day\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Netrunner &\; Ales: Game Night T ournament Format


AN:R &\; Ales - 2017 Q1 GNK\, retaining a focus on a casual enjoyment of the game within a semi structu red environment.


Aims\nTo have a bit of fun.

\ n

Date\n12th March 2017\nRegistration at 10:00am first game starts at 10:30am\, anticipated finish 17:30


Location \nUK\, Hampshire\, Portsmouth\, Fistful of Dice\, 72 Elm Grove:\n

Fistful Of Dice Facebook\nFistful Of Dice Website


Cost\n£5 until 12th Feb\, then £6 afterwards


Tickets will be sold on a first come first serve b asis and will be able to be bought in advance from FoD website:


Buy Tickets


Awards &\; Prizes\n2017 Q1 GNK Tournament Kit




*ID choice is not restricted by card pool (you can play an ID without selecting the box or pack it came in)\n*You don’t need to use the same big box or Datapack for both Runner and Corp\n*The 1 off car d is a 1 set of. E.g. 3 copies of Jackson Howard without having Opening Mo ves being you pack of choice\n*That’s a 1 set for runner then a 1 off se t for Corp.\n*No MWL in use\n*Decklists are required and if possible inclu de list of which data packs and big boxes where used\n*A good reference ca n be found here:: Promotinal Poster (Thank you to the creat e of the image)


Overall it is expected to be your standard tournam ent structure.

  1. 4/5 games of Swiss.
  2. \n
  3. 1 game consist s of 2 matches\; players must play 1 match as the Corporation and 1 match as the Runner per game.
  4. \n
  5. Winning a match will give you 3 points\, losing a match 0 points and if time is called the person who has the most agenda points will score 2 points.
  6. \n
  7. Time allocation for each gam e is 70mins\, which allows 35mins per match\, anticipated schedule includi ng below:
  8. \n

10:30 >\; 11:45 – Game 1\n11:45 >\; 13:00 – Game 2


13:00 >\; 13:30 – FOOD


13:30 >\; 14:45 – Game 3\n14:45 >\; 16:00 – Game 4\n16:00 >\; 17:15 – Game 5



  1. All Data Packs &\; Delux e Expansions which are generally available 2 weeks prior to the event will be legal for the purposes of constructing your Card Pool.
  2. \n
  3. Alt A rt cards are allowed as long as it is clear to both players what it is rep resenting.
  4. \n
  5. Opaque or Pictured sleeves are required for all cards \, with the exception of the ID &\; Click Tracker cards.
  6. \n
  7. Each player will need legal decks for both Corporation and Runner\, the releva nt tokens to play and deck lists.
  8. \n
  9. Latest FAQ will be followed\; however we should all support friendly play and encourage helping each oth er out during the day
  10. \n
