BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3589alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20230128T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20230128T235900 URL: ner-2022ish LOCATION:294 Pitt St\, Sydney NSW 2000\, Australia SUMMARY:Sydney Startup Circuit Opener 2022(ish) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:A slightly delayed resumption of the 2022 OP Season with the Ci rcuit Opener kit for 2022! Come down and try out the fresh new format befo re someone breaks it or we get buried in event kits.\nLocation: Upstairs a t the Edinburgh Castle\, Sydney (right near Town Hall Station)\nEvent Time : 12pm registration for 12:30 start.\nEntry: $10\, payable on the day.\nFo rmat: Double-sided Swiss\, with rounds and cut to be determined by numbers on the day. We expect to run to at least three full rounds but will updat e closer to the day.\nGames will be played in the current Startup Format n ow that Parhelion is released\, with the below sets legal:\nSystem Gateway \nSystem Update 2021\nBorealis Cycle (Midnight Sun and Parhelion)\nPlease note that Ashes (Downfall and Uprising) have rotated with this set. More o n formats here:\nParhelion is now available di rect from Null Signal Games with free Australian Shipping\, however proxie s are both permitted and absolutely encouraged. ../null-signal-store-updates.../\nWe welcome players of all backgrounds an d tournament experience - feel free to get in touch if you need decks\, ad vice\, or any particular considerations. We'll run a more casual open day in the near future for those completely new to the game.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

A slightly delayed resumption of the 2022 O P Season with the Circuit Opener kit for 2022! Come down and try out the f resh new format before someone breaks it or we get buried in event kits.\n Location: Upstairs at the Edinburgh Castle\, Sydney (right near Town Hall Station)\nEvent Time: 12pm registration for 12:30 start.\nEntry: $10\, pay able on the day.\nFormat: Double-sided Swiss\, with rounds and cut to be d etermined by numbers on the day. We expect to run to at least three full r ounds but will update closer to the day.


Games will be played in t he current Startup Format now that Parhelion is released\, with the below sets legal:\nSystem Gateway\nSystem Update 2021\nBorealis Cycle (Midnight Sun and Parhelion)\nPlease note that Ashes (Downfall and Uprising) have ro tated with this set. More on formats here:\nPa rhelion is now available direct from Null Signal Games with free Australia n Shipping\, however proxies are both permitted and absolutely encouraged.\nWe welcome pl ayers of all backgrounds and tournament experience - feel free to get in t ouch if you need decks\, advice\, or any particular considerations. We'll run a more casual open day in the near future for those completely new to the game.