BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3586alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20230211T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20230211T235900 URL: artup-tournament-2 LOCATION:Bahnhofpl. 2\, 83080 Oberaudorf\, Germany SUMMARY:Netrunner Beginners Day + StartUp Tournament #2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:[UPDATE] The next Game Day will be held at Servus Burger Oberau dorf\, inside the Train Station\, so it's very easy to get there - just ta ke the train to Oberaudorf and you are there\, also there's lots of parkin g spots around if you are travelling by Car. we have a lot of seats inside but only about 6 good tables - it should be enough though [/UPDATE]\nHi R unners and Corpoes!\nNow that the location is sorted....Whats going on\, y ou ask?\nWell from 12:00\, high noon ->\; Beginners Day -An Explanation of the Game -join in at anytime from 12:00 to the bitter end! 100% FREE OF CHARGE! Just be awesome and be there!\nThen... from 15:00 ->\; Start- U p Tournament - Cover Fee of 10€ as prizes need to be paid in order to be had. You wont be disappointed\, I promise! If you ever feel Prizes arent worth your wages\, let me know\, I am a reasonable fellow and we can work it out \;-)!\nTRYHARDS BEWARE! The Tournament will be held in the Olympic Spirit \;-) - beeing there is everything as we say in Germania :-) - Every round played will allow you to add 1 raffle ticket to the pool - number o f wins? Nobody cares! YES\, NOBODY! UUUUahahahahaahaaahahahahrrrrr (crazy megalomaniacy laughter).\nPreconstructed Decks will be available to borrow if you dont want to build your own.\nAs I said\, just be awesome and be t here! 100% super cashhh fun!\nLater\,\nLate\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
[UPDATE] The next Game Day will be held at Servus Burger Oberaudorf\, inside the Train Station\, so it's very easy to get there - just take the train to Oberaudorf and you are there\, also th ere's lots of parking spots around if you are travelling by Car. we have a lot of seats inside but only about 6 good tables - it should be enough th ough [/UPDATE]
\nHi Runners and Corpoes!
\nNow that the locati on is sorted....Whats going on\, you ask?
\nWell from 12:00\, high n oon ->\; Beginners Day -An Explanation of the Game -join in at anytime f rom 12:00 to the bitter end! 100% FREE OF CHARGE! Just be awesome and be t here!
\nThen... from 15:00 ->\; Start- Up Tournament - Cover Fee o f 10€ as prizes need to be paid in order to be had. You wont be disappoi nted\, I promise! If you ever feel Prizes arent worth your wages\, let me know\, I am a reasonable fellow and we can work it out \;-)!
\nTRYHA RDS BEWARE! The Tournament will be held in the Olympic Spirit \;-) - beein g there is everything as we say in Germania :-) - Every round played will allow you to add 1 raffle ticket to the pool - number of wins? Nobody care s! YES\, NOBODY! UUUUahahahahaahaaahahahahrrrrr (crazy megalomaniacy laugh ter).
\nPreconstructed Decks will be available to borrow if you dont want to build your own.
\nAs I said\, just be awesome and be there! 100% super cashhh fun!