BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3566alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20230311T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20230311T235900 URL: h-2023 LOCATION:9/10 Belgard Square W\, Tallaght\, Dublin\, Ireland SUMMARY:Dublin Circuit Opener March 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We're kicking off the OP season with a Circuit Opener in Underw orld Gaming in Tallaght! Everyone who comes will get prizes from the CO ki t\, as well as a set of BCOM 2022 Bravados. If this is your first Netrunne r tournament then you'll also get a set of Nats 2022 Aniccams and Drafters ! And you'll be entered into a raffle for a playmat giveaway!\nSpeaking of giving away playmats...\nIf we teach 12 players\, I'll be raffling off a unique playmat featuring the art of Orca\, as done by the wonderfully tale nted and handsome Jakuza! All you have to do is show up\, and play some Ne trunner on the day!\nThe format will be Startup and entry is €10\, just to cover kit and table costs.\nSo come along and walk away with a bunch of sick swag for playing the best game ever made!\nUPDATE: Unfortunately\, t he CO kit hasn't arrived yet so I'll be posting prizes once the arrive or you can pick them up off me at Pubrunner. There's still plenty of stuff to be giving away so dont' worry at all about going away empty handed! Every one will get prizes!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We're kicking off the OP season with a Circ uit Opener in Underworld Gaming in Tallaght! Everyone who comes will get p rizes from the CO kit\, as well as a set of BCOM 2022 Bravados. If this is your first Netrunner tournament then you'll also get a set of Nats 2022 A niccams and Drafters! And you'll be entered into a raffle for a playmat gi veaway!
\nSpeaking of giving away playmats...
\nIf we teach 12 players\, I'll be raffling off a unique playmat featuring the art of Orca \, as done by the wonderfully talented and handsome Jakuza! All you have t o do is show up\, and play some Netrunner on the day!
\nThe format w ill be Startup and entry is €10\, just to cover kit and table costs.
\nSo come along and walk away with a bunch of sick swag for playing the best game ever made!
\nUPDATE: Unfortunately\, the CO kit hasn't arrived yet so I'll be posting prizes once the arrive or yo u can pick them up off me at Pubrunner. There's still plenty of stuff to b e giving away so dont' worry at all about going away empty handed! Everyon e will get prizes!