BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3563alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Indiana/Indianapolis:20230225T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Indiana/Indianapolis:20230225T235900 URL: artup-tournament LOCATION:318 Union St\, Mishawaka\, IN 46544\, USA SUMMARY:Bar-Helion Borealis GNK Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The South Bend Netrunner Coalition invites you to our semi-seas onal competition: Bar-Helion Startup Tournament! We've got great competiti on\, food and drink\, lots of prizes\, and our local gaming location\, Hop Station Craft Bar in Mishawaka\, opening just for us. They have the best beer list in town\, both draft and cans. Our friend AJ is opening the bar three hours early just for us\, so make sure to tip generously. Their kit chen opens at 3 pm for tacos and pizza\, but we can DoorDash food to the b ar before that\, and I'll bring snacks. Food\, drinks\, prizes\, and Netru nner! It has everything you want!\nHop Station is being unbelievable cool in opening early and not asking for any fees\, so make sure to order drink s and food and tip well. I ask for $5/person to cover the costs of the pri ze kits. Otherwise\, come and enjoy yourselves!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The South Bend Netrunner Coalition invites you to our semi-seasonal competition: Bar-Helion Startup Tournament! We've got great competition\, food and drink\, lots of prizes\, and our local g aming location\, Hop Station Craft Bar in Mishawaka\, opening just for us. They have the best beer list in town\, both draft and cans. Our friend A J is opening the bar three hours early just for us\, so make sure to tip g enerously. Their kitchen opens at 3 pm for tacos and pizza\, but we can Do orDash food to the bar before that\, and I'll bring snacks. Food\, drinks\ , prizes\, and Netrunner! It has everything you want!
\nHop Station is being unbelievable cool in opening early and not asking for any fees\, so make sure to order drinks and food and tip well. I ask for $5/person to cover the costs of the prize kits. Otherwise\, come and enjoy yourselves!