BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3556alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230126T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230126T235900 URL: z LOCATION:Bechelstraße 23\, 56073 Koblenz\, Germany SUMMARY:Netrunner gaming at Koblenz CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We are a group of five Netrunner players and new players are al ways welcome!\nWe are very patient with newbies\, our time limit is one ho ur for a single game :-)\nLast time\, we played with a limited card pool a nd Big Boy's ban list and had a lot of fun.\nWe will continue with a serie s of tournaments where we increase our card pool every time.\nFor now\, we play with the entire FFG cardpool.\nWe will use Big Boy's ban list:\nAstr oScript Pilot Program\nBreaking News\nGlobal Food Initiative\n24/7 News Cy cle\nShipment from Kaguya\nShipment from MirrorMorph\nEstelle Moon\nFast B reak\nGame Changer\nArella Salvatore\nSkorpios Defense Systems\nMidseason Replacements\nAccelerated Diagnostics\nBio-Ethics Association\nClone Suffr age Movement\nIT Department\nMumba Temple\nMumbad City Hall\nMuseum of His tory\nWhampoa Reclamation\nBryan Stinson\nHired Help\nSurveyor\nMti Mwekun du\nPotential Unleashed\nAccount Siphon\nThe Shadow Net\nLiza Talking Thun der\nNoise\nData Leak Reversal\nBlackmail\nMad Dash\nMars for Martians\nRu mor Mill\nWatch the World Burn\nŞifr\nZamba\nZer0\nAaron Marrón\nAeneas Informant\nBloo Moose\nGang Sign\nPower Tap\nSalvaged Vanadis Armory\nTech Trader\nTemüjin Contract\nFaust\nInversificator\nNa'Not'K\nPaperclip\nAu Revoir\nHyperdriver\nTapwrm\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We are a group of five Netrunner players an d new players are always welcome!\nWe are very patient with newbies\, our time limit is one hour for a single game :-)


Last time\, we played with a limited card pool and Big Boy's ban list and had a lot of fun.


We will continue with a series of tournaments where we increase our c ard pool every time.\nFor now\, we play with the entire FFG cardpool.

\ n

We will use Big Boy's ban list:\nAstroScript Pilot Program\nBreaking N ews\nGlobal Food Initiative\n24/7 News Cycle\nShipment from Kaguya\nShipme nt from MirrorMorph\nEstelle Moon\nFast Break\nGame Changer\nArella Salvat ore\nSkorpios Defense Systems\nMidseason Replacements\nAccelerated Diagnos tics\nBio-Ethics Association\nClone Suffrage Movement\nIT Department\nMumb a Temple\nMumbad City Hall\nMuseum of History\nWhampoa Reclamation\nBryan Stinson\nHired Help\nSurveyor\nMti Mwekundu\nPotential Unleashed


A ccount Siphon\nThe Shadow Net\nLiza Talking Thunder\nNoise\nData Leak Reve rsal\nBlackmail\nMad Dash\nMars for Martians\nRumor Mill\nWatch the World Burn\nŞifr\nZamba\nZer0\nAaron Marrón\nAeneas Informant\nBloo Moose\nGan g Sign\nPower Tap\nSalvaged Vanadis Armory\nTech Trader\nTemüjin Contract \nFaust\nInversificator\nNa'Not'K\nPaperclip\nAu Revoir\nHyperdriver\nTapw rm