BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3555alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20230129T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20230129T235900 URL: circuit-opener LOCATION:Feliksa Nowowiejskiego 8/5\, 61-731 Poznań\, Poland SUMMARY:Nova Initiumia - Poznań 2023 Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We invite Netrunner players to Poznań to the first event this year- what's more\, first one with Parhelion cards legal in Standard!\nWe' ll play for the second CO kit\, so if you haven't caught a dead shark yet - this is your chance. You can expect some extra prizes as well.\nDate: 20 23-01-29 (Sunday)\nFormat: Standard.\nVenue: Rojber Pub\, Feliksa Nowowie jskiego 8/5\, 61-731 Poznań\nSchedule:\nRegistration: 11:00 AM\nStart: 11 :30 AM\n4 or 5 swiss rounds + possible top cut\, dependent on the number o f participants\nRound limit: 65 min\nEntry fee: 45 PLN\, of which 20 you c an spend at the bar.\n or at registration.\n Please register on ABR or let me know you’ll be attending so that we hav e an estimated number of contestants. This helps coordinating with the ven ue.\nDecklists: Please have your decklists available for the judges to vie w (no need to print them\, mobile notes and emailing files will be fine).\ nProxies: Proxies are allowed\; please make them understandable for your o pponent\, even if they don’t remember the card (full text with card abil ities and stats such as strength\, rez and trash costs are necessary). I ’ll have some templates for you to write proxies\, if needed.\nThe event is Sanctioned\, according to NSG policies (this means we have strict rule s of distributing the prizes but the organisers can take part in the game) . Additional judges will be appointed at the event.\nQuestions: find Bookk eeper on Discord (Bookkeeper#2351) or e-mail me.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We invite Netrunner players to Poznań to t he first event this year- what's more\, first one with Parhelion cards leg al in Standard!
\nWe'll play for the second CO kit\, so if you haven 't caught a dead shark yet - this is your chance. You can expect some extr a prizes as well.
\nDate: 2023-01-29 (Sunday)\nFormat: Standard.\nVe nue: Rojber Pub\, Feliksa Nowowiejskiego 8/5\, 61-731 Poznań
\nSch edule:\nRegistration: 11:00 AM\nStart: 11:30 AM\n4 or 5 swiss rounds + pos sible top cut\, dependent on the number of participants
\nRound limi t: 65 min
\nEntry fee: 45 PLN\, of which 20 you can spend at the bar .\n or at registration.
\nPlease regis ter on ABR or let me know you’ll be attending so that we have an estimat ed number of contestants. This helps coordinating with the venue.
\nDecklists: Please have your decklists available for the judges to view (no need to print them\, mobile notes and emailing files will be fine).
\nProxies: Proxies are allowed\; please make them understandable for your opponent\, even if they don’t remember the card (full text with card ab ilities and stats such as strength\, rez and trash costs are necessary). I ’ll have some templates for you to write proxies\, if needed.
\nTh e event is Sanctioned\, according to NSG policies (this means we have stri ct rules of distributing the prizes but the organisers can take part in th e game). Additional judges will be appointed at the event.
\nQuestio ns: find Bookkeeper on Discord (Bookkeeper#2351) or e-mail me.