BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3550alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20230128T133000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20230128T235900 URL: tournament LOCATION:Looierstraat 50\, 6811 AZ Arnhem\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Welcome to Arnhem - Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:There hasn't been a Netrunner tournament in Arnhem in a long ti me\, but it is a new year full of new opportunities\, so lets give it a tr y!\nPracticalities:\n\n\nRegistration starts at 13.00\, round 1 starts at 13:30.\n\n\nThe format will be startup\, which only includes Null Signal G ame sets. The legal sets are System Gateway\, System Update\, Midnight Sun \, and Parhelion. Important: Ashes (Downfall and Uprising) are not legal d ue to rotation. If you're unsure\, please send your decklist to the TO ahe ad of the event to check.\n\n\nThere will be 3 swiss rounds of 65 minutes\ , with a possible "\;finale"\; between the number 1 and 2 of swiss .\n\n\nEntree fee is € 10. If at all possible\, pay beforehand and wire the money to NL10 ASNB 8832 5716 92\, attn Veronica van Voorst. Don't forg et to mention your name. A tikkie on the day also works.\n\n\nProxies are allowed\, as long as it is clear which card it is. Written notes in a slee ve will not be accepted.\n\n\nOutside drinks and food aren't allowed. The venue sells various drinks and food.\n\n\nVeronica van Voorst will be your TO. If you have any questions\, feel free to email veronicavanvoorst@gmai\n\n\nHave fun! We're aiming for this to be a more casual style even t\, with an opportunity for new players to enjoy a tournament without gett ing immersed in the depths of Standard. If this is your first tournament\, you can let the TO know\, and please feel welcome to join us\; we're happ y to have you.\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

There hasn't been a Netrunner tournament in Arnhem in a long time\, but it is a new year full of new opportunities\, so lets give it a try!

