BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3548alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230121T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230121T235900 URL: d-start-up-tournament LOCATION:Wittelsbacherstraße 37\, 83022 Rosenheim\, Germany SUMMARY:Netrunner Beginners Day and Start Up Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Let's boldly go where we haven't gone before ->\; Affekt\, a nice place to be...\nWhats going on?\nfrom 12:00\, high noon ->\; Beginn ers Day -An Explanation of the Game from 12:00 to the bitter end! 100% FRE E OF CHARGE! Just be awesome and be there!\nfrom 15:00 ->\; Start- Up To urnament - Cover Fee of 5 to 10€ will apply\, prizes will have to be pai d in order to be had. The Tournament will be held in the Olympic Spirit - beeing there is everything as we say in Germania :-) - Every round played will add 1 raffle ticket to the pool - number of wins? Nobody cares! YES\ , NOBODY! UUUUahahahahaahsshshahah (crazy megalomaniacy laughter)\n8 Preco nstructed Decks are available to borrow if you dont want to build your own .\nAs I said\, just be awesome and be there! 100% super cashhh fun!\nLater \,\nLate\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Let's boldly go where we haven't gone befor e ->\; Affekt\, a nice place to be...
\nWhats going on?
\nfr om 12:00\, high noon ->\; Beginners Day -An Explanation of the Game from 12:00 to the bitter end! 100% FREE OF CHARGE! Just be awesome and be ther e!
\nfrom 15:00 ->\; Start- Up Tournament - Cover Fee of 5 to 10 € will apply\, prizes will have to be paid in order to be had. The Tourn ament will be held in the Olympic Spirit - beeing there is everything as w e say in Germania :-) - Every round played will add 1 raffle ticket to the pool - number of wins? Nobody cares! YES\, NOBODY! UUUUahahahahaahsshsha hah (crazy megalomaniacy laughter)
\n8 Preconstructed Decks are avai lable to borrow if you dont want to build your own.
\nAs I said\, ju st be awesome and be there! 100% super cashhh fun!
\nLater\,\nLate p>\n DTSTAMP:20250329T082729Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Netrunner Beginners Day and Start Up Tournament END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR