BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3542alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230114 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230115 URL: ational SUMMARY:2023 Circuit Breaker Invitational CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Circuit Breaker Invitational is a premier invitation only t ournament to celebrate the champions of the last Organized Play season and ring in the new one with the most competitive players around.\nWho will c law their way to the top to hold the title of The Circuit Breaker?\n\nStre am / Cobra\n2023 Circuit Breaker Invitational\nWe anticipate running this year’s event as a two-day weekend event on the weekend of January 14-15\ , 2023\, with 6 rounds of Swiss starting at 13:00 UTC on January 14\, and a cut to Top 8 starting at 13:00 UTC on January 15 (we will extend Swiss r ounds based on attendance). During each day\, there will be a lunch/dinner break of 1 hour starting at the end of the 3rd round.\nThe event will be online\, hosted in the Null Signal Games Online Events Discord and our tou rnament mirror of Jinteki. Players will need to sign up on the Discord and be ready to create new user information on the tournament mirror. Decklis ts will be submitted via an online form sent to attendees after they have reserved their ticket.\nThe tournament will be streamed on the Null Signal Twitch channel\, with full commentary and game analysis. Participation in streaming is optional during Swiss\, but will be mandatory for Top Cut. T hose who do not agree to be streamed during Top Cut rounds will be asked t o drop from the tournament\; WE WILL ASK BEFORE FINALIZING THE CUT.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The Circuit Breaker Invitational is a premi er invitation only tournament to celebrate the champions of the last Organ ized Play season and ring in the new one with the most competitive players around.
\nWho will claw their way to the top to hold the title of < em>The Circuit Breaker?
\nWe anticipate running this year’s event as a two-day weekend event on the weekend of January 14-15\, 2023\, with 6 rounds of Swiss starting at 13:00 UT C on January 14\, and a cut to Top 8 starting at 13:00 UT C on January 15 (we will extend Swiss rounds based on attendance) . During each day\, there will be a lunch/dinner break of 1 hour starting at the end of the 3rd round.
\nThe event will be online\, hosted in the Null Signal Games Online Events Discord and our tournament mirror of J inteki. Players will need to sign up on the Discord and be ready to create new user information on the tournament mirror. Decklists will be submitted via an online form sent to attendees after they have re served their ticket.
\nThe tournament will be streamed on t he Null Signal Twitch channel\, with full commentary and game analysis. Pa rticipation in streaming is optional during Swiss\, but will be mandat ory for Top Cut. Those who do not agree to be streamed during Top Cut rounds will be asked to drop from the tournament\; WE WILL ASK BE FORE FINALIZING THE CUT.