BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3538alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230121T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230121T235900 URL: LOCATION:17 Tombland\, Norwich NR3 1HR\, UK SUMMARY:Norwich Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Norwich's Circuit Opener tournament is finally happening! ter the season is over. Oops. No-one tell NSG.\nWe are excited to welcome Netrunners from near and far to the fine city of Norwich for the first tim e in many years. Join us to try out Parhelion Standard at the first paper tournament of the year!\nThe city is well connected by train and road to o ther parts of the South\; getting here from the North or West can be trick y\, but not impossible! Get in touch if you need advice on travel or accom modation.\nWe will be playing in the upstairs room of the excellent Louis Marchesi pub\, about 20 minutes walk from Norwich station. Registration fr om 12pm\, with round 1 expected to begin at 12.30. Entry fee £5.\nThe tou rnament will be Standard format\, with Parhelion legal and the most recent ban list. We are expecting to play 4 rounds\, plus a top 4 cut if numbers require it. Socialising will continue in the pub into the evening!\nPrizi ng will be the 2022 Circuit Opener kit\, plus a few additional items contr ibuted by local players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Norwich's Circuit Opener tournament is fina lly happening! ...after the season is over. Oops. No-one tell NSG.
\nWe are excited to welcome Netrunners from near and far to the fine city o f Norwich for the first time in many years. Join us to try out Parhelion S tandard at the first paper tournament of the year!
\nThe city is wel l connected by train and road to other parts of the South\; getting here f rom the North or West can be tricky\, but not impossible! Get in touch if you need advice on travel or accommodation.
\nWe will be playing in the upstairs room of the excellent Louis Marchesi pub\, about 20 minutes w alk from Norwich station. Registration from 12pm\, with round 1 expected t o begin at 12.30. Entry fee £5.
\nThe tournament will be Standard f ormat\, with Parhelion legal and the most recent ban list. We are expectin g to play 4 rounds\, plus a top 4 cut if numbers require it. Socialising w ill continue in the pub into the evening!
\nPrizing will be the 2022 Circuit Opener kit\, plus a few additional items contributed by local pla yers.