BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3535alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230109 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230110 URL: s-ampre-asynch SUMMARY:Factionless Faceoff - Nova vs Ampère Asynch CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Factionless Faceoff - Nova vs Ampère\nREGISTRATION FORM: https ://\nENTRY FEE: FREE\n\nStandard format\, excep t the only legal identities are Nova and Ampère.\nRegistrations are open and close 1 hour before the event begins. Late registration may be possibl e but are discouraged. The pairings for this event will be posted in the # online-gnks channel of the Netrunner Online Events Hub server on Discord. Pairings via\nAndroid: Netrunner asynchronous tournament open to players from all regions and at all levels of play. Rounds will be played at a rate of 1 per week\, with pairings posted 12:00 UTC each Monday start ing January 9th. For those unfamiliar with the concept of an asynchronous event\, you'll be given an opponent at the start of the week\, and have to organise a time to play against them and report the result to the Tournam ent Organiser before the deadline of the next pairings being posted.\nDeck lists can be changed and edited after each round\, you are not locked into your week 1 decks.\nThis event will not force a top cut. If the number of players qualifies for a top cut\, a top cut of 4 players will be used reg ardless of number of attendees due to the number of weeks asynchronous top cuts take.\nThe winner will get to choose one playset to receive from Kys ra's Alt Art Variety Pack 3\, shipped at TO's expense.\nOfficial start tim e is 12:00 GMT on Monday the 9th of January. Check what this is in your pe rsonal time zone by using this converter or checking the unix timestamp po sted in the #online-gnks channel of the Netrunner Online Events Hub Discor d.\nThe tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official Netrunner Online Events Hub server if you haven't already ov er at\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nStandard format\, except the only legal identi ties are Nova and Ampère.
\nRegistrations are open and close 1 hour before the event begins. Late registration may be possible but are discouraged. The pairings for this event will be poste d in the #online-gnks channel of the Netrunner Online Eve nts Hub server on Discord. Pairings via
\nAndroid: Netrunne r asynchronous tournament open to players from all regions and at all levels of play. Rounds will be played at a rate of 1 per week \, with pairings posted 12:00 UTC each Monday starting January 9th . For those unfamiliar with the concept of an asynchronous event\ , you'll be given an opponent at the start of the week\, and have to organ ise a time to play against them and report the result to the Tournament Or ganiser before the deadline of the next pairings being posted.
\nDec klists can be changed and edited after each round\, you are not locked int o your week 1 decks.
\nThis event will not force a top cut. If the n umber of players qualifies for a top cut\, a top cut of 4 players will be used regardless of number of attendees due to the number of weeks asynchro nous top cuts take.
\nThe winner will get to choose one play set to receive from Kysra's Alt Art Variety Pack 3\, shipped at TO's expense.
\nOfficial start time is 12:00 GMT on Monday the 9th of January. Check what this is in your per sonal time zone by using this converter or ch ecking the unix timestamp posted in the #online-gnks channel of the Netrun ner Online Events Hub Discord.
\nThe tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official Netrunner Online Events Hub server if you haven't already over at