BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3523alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230121T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230121T235900 URL: erlin LOCATION:Lietzenburger Str. 37\, 10789 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Parhelion Circuit Opener Berlin CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come and join us on this Run in the Artic Region\, Berlin in Ja nuary can be really freezing!\nWe want to play with the new Parhelion Card s with you and have a good event.\nEvent\nCome and hack with us the Arctic Berlin City Grid!\nThis will be the official Berlin Circuit Opener playin g Standard with the Perhelion cards.\nThe end is planned at the latest (in luding Top 3) at 19:00.\nFeel invited to join when we go to dinner afterwa rds.\nWe will try to stream the event\, details can be found on Cobra.\nFo rmat\nFormat: Swiss based on number of attendees (likely increased by 1) + Top 3 Cut\nCard Language: any\, proxies allowed (acceptable quality)\nDec k lists not required\nSleeves mandatory\nRules: NSG Standard + SBL that is applicable\nTournament Organisator (TO): 5N00P1 (might participate in the tournament too)\nFood &\; Drinks\nFood &\; Drinks are NOT available in the venue. Bring your own there are some options available around and a Russian Supermarket on the opposite side of the street.\nRegistration (i ncl. Payment)\nuntil 31-Dec: 10 EUR\nuntil 15-Jan: 15 EUR\nat the Venue: 1 7 EUR\nplease send an e-mail to to get the payment de tails.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come and join us on this Run in the Artic R egion\, Berlin in January can be really freezing!\nWe want to play with th e new Parhelion Cards with you and have a good event.



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Come and hack with us the Arctic Berlin City Grid!\nThis will be the o fficial Berlin Circuit Opener playing Standard with the Perhelion cards.\n The end is planned at the latest (inluding Top 3) at 19:00.\nFeel invited to join when we go to dinner afterwards.\nWe will try to stream the event\ , details can be found on Cobra.




Format: Swiss ba sed on number of attendees (likely increased by 1) + Top 3 Cut\nCard Langu age: any\, proxies allowed (acceptable quality)\nDeck lists not required\n Sleeves mandatory\nRules: NSG Standard + SBL that is applicable\nTournamen t Organisator (TO): 5N00P1 (might participate in the tournament too)


Food &\; Drinks


Food &\; Drinks are NOT available in th e venue. Bring your own there are some options available around and a Russ ian Supermarket on the opposite side of the street.


Registration (incl. Payment)


until 31-Dec: 10 EUR\nuntil 15-Jan: 15 EUR\nat th e Venue: 17 EUR\nplease send an e-mail to to get the payment details.