BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3522alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20221217T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20221217T235900 URL: LOCATION:1797 Shattuck Ave. Ste A\, Berkeley\, CA 94709\, USA SUMMARY:VPC December Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:A NSG+1 tournament! All Null Signal Games cards will be legal\ , including proxies of any revealed/released Parhelion cards. Plus\, you may take up to a playset of one additional card and a faction ID from the Standard pool to include in your deck.\nThe tournament will be held at Vic tory Point Cafe. Entry fee is $5 payable to the TO\, and we encourage you to purchase food and drink from the cafe. Registration will begin at 10: 30 AM and play will begin at 11. Expect to play 3 rounds with no top cut\ , but if the response is overwhelming we may add a 4th round.\nPrizes will be the Q1 Game Night Kit - free playset of Afshar for attending and a pla yset of Chiyashi for the top 3. Additional alt-art prizes will be availab le - no one walks away empty-handed!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

A NSG+1 tournament! All Null Signal Games cards will be legal\, including proxies of any revealed/released Parhelion cards. Plus\, you may take up to a playset of one additional card and a faction ID from the Standard pool to include in your deck.


The tou rnament will be held at Victory Point Cafe. Entry fee is $5 payable to th e TO\, and we encourage you to purchase food and drink from the cafe. Reg istration will begin at 10:30 AM and play will begin at 11. Expect to pla y 3 rounds with no top cut\, but if the response is overwhelming we may ad d a 4th round.


Prizes will be the Q1 Game Night Kit - free playset of Afshar for attending and a playset of Chiyashi for the top 3. Additio nal alt-art prizes will be available - no one walks away empty-handed!