BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3519alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20221208T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20221208T235900 URL: rnament LOCATION:2/73 Malop St\, Geelong VIC 3220\, Australia SUMMARY:Geelong casual startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:A startup tournament in Geelong\nShooting for a 6:00pm sign up and 6:30 pm start!\nThis tournament will be a last hurrah for Ashes and ru n without Borealis part II. Parhelion. (If we have it by the 8th)\nMy firs t Time being a TO for any event! Any help you can give is welcomed with op en arms.\nThe event is at 2/73 Malop street\, there is a strange entrance up a large set of stairs. It looks shady but the place inside is lovely. L ook for the 'GUF' sign from the street.\nIf anyone needs a lift from the l ocal train station I will be able to pick you up please just organise it w ith me on discord prior to the event.\nI'll setup a tournament. To make my life easier\, although it isn't mandatory\, if you'd like to pre- fill your id's and nickname so I can start setting up the tournament prior to the event please throw some details into this form: jW4tSf7VNqqccCwJ6\nDue to the time restrictions\, we'll be playing single- sided swiss with 40 minute games\, if we finish early we will head onto th e next round asap.\nThe venue has drinks &\; snacks for anyone to get a round\, I must reiterate this is a casual event and Guf has kindly let us host this event for free. There is no charge for this event\, the prizes a re provided by me from\nMassive shout to l ukevanryn for making this possible\nMost of all\, Happy running :D\n-Ben\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

A startup tournament in Geelong\nShooting f or a 6:00pm sign up and 6:30 pm start!\nThis tournament will be a last hur rah for Ashes and run without Borealis part II. Parhelion. (If we have it by the 8th)\nMy first Time being a TO for any event! Any help you can give is welcomed with open arms.


The event is at 2/73 Malop street\, t here is a strange entrance up a large set of stairs. It looks shady but th e place inside is lovely. Look for the 'GUF' sign from the street.\nIf any one needs a lift from the local train station I will be able to pick you u p please just organise it with me on discord prior to the event.


I 'll setup a tournament. To make my life easier\, although it isn't mandatory\, if you'd like to pre-fill your id's and nickname so I can sta rt setting up the tournament prior to the event please throw some details into this form:


Due to the tim e restrictions\, we'll be playing single-sided swiss with 40 minute games\ , if we finish early we will head onto the next round asap.


The ve nue has drinks &\; snacks for anyone to get around\, I must reiterate t his is a casual event and Guf has kindly let us host this event for free. There is no charge for this event\, the prizes are provided by me from htt ps://\nMassive shout to lukevanryn for making this possible


Most of all\, Happy running :D\n-Ben