BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3496alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20221107T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20221107T235900 URL: z LOCATION:Bechelstraße 23\, 56073 Koblenz\, Germany SUMMARY:Netrunner gaming at Koblenz CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We are a group of four Netrunner players and new players are al ways welcome!\nWe are very patient with newbies\, our time limit is one ho ur for a single game :-)\nLast time\, we played with a limited card pool a nd Big Boy's ban list and had a lot of fun.\nWe will continue with a serie s of tournaments where we increase our card pool every time.\nFor now\, we play with:\n1 Core Set\nCreation &\; Control\nHonor &\; Profit\nOrd er &\; Chaos\nData &\; Destiny\nReign &\; Reverie\nTerminal Direc tive\nWe will use Big Boy's ban list:\nAstroScript Pilot Program\nBreaking News\nGlobal Food Initiative\n24/7 News Cycle\nShipment from Kaguya\nShip ment from MirrorMorph\nEstelle Moon\nFast Break\nGame Changer\nArella Salv atore\nSkorpios Defense Systems\nAccount Siphon\nThe Shadow Net\nNoise\nLi za Talking Thunder\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We are a group of four Netrunner players an d new players are always welcome!\nWe are very patient with newbies\, our time limit is one hour for a single game :-)
\nLast time\, we played with a limited card pool and Big Boy's ban list and had a lot of fun.
\nWe will continue with a series of tournaments where we increase our c ard pool every time.\nFor now\, we play with:\n1 Core Set\nCreation &\; Control\nHonor &\; Profit\nOrder &\; Chaos\nData &\; Destiny\nRe ign &\; Reverie\nTerminal Directive
\nWe will use Big Boy's ban l ist:\nAstroScript Pilot Program\nBreaking News\nGlobal Food Initiative\n24 /7 News Cycle\nShipment from Kaguya\nShipment from MirrorMorph\nEstelle Mo on\nFast Break\nGame Changer\nArella Salvatore\nSkorpios Defense Systems p>\n
Account Siphon\nThe Shadow Net\nNoise\nLiza Talking Thunder