BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3495alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20221202T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20221202T235900 URL: ed LOCATION:1101 Arch St\, Philadelphia\, PA 19107\, USA SUMMARY:Janksgiving 4: JANX Unplugged CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Rules are as follows:\n\n\nThe minimum donation for entry is $1 0. If you feel that you can give more\, please do!\nYou can provide a rece ipt showing a donation to a food insecurity/houselesness charity in your l ocal area\, or you can give me your entry fee (cash\, Paypal and Venmo all accepted) and I will make a donation after the tournament to a relevant c ause of the champion's choice.\n\n\nTo get your decks started you must joi n the yellow-sun channel on the GLC Discord.\nRoll $jank corp and then $ja nk runner three times each in the yellow-sun channel. PLEASE DO THESE ROLL S IN A THREAD so the channel does not get too cluttered.\n\n\nWhen you hav e your rolls\, pick one roll from each side that you like the look of and build a deck around the cards it provided you.\n\n\nRe-rolls:\n4a. You get one free mulligan that can be used to roll a fourth time on EITHER side ( not both) if you don't like any of the 3 options. If you use this mulligan option YOU MUST USE THE NEW ROLL\, even if you think it is worse than the original 3.\n4a ii. If the Jank gods are cruel and all 6 of your picks ar e truly unplayable I may allow you to roll once more for both sides in ret urn for an increased donation.\n4b. The following IDs are not legal for Ja nksgiving in addition to rotated IDs: Cyber Bureau\, The Shadow\, The Synd icate\, The Catalyst\, The Masque\, New Angeles Sol.\n4c. If one of your $ jank rolls contains one of the above IDs you may re-roll it for free as ma ny times as necessary to get a legal ID in addition to your one standard m ulligan re-roll. This also applies if you roll one of the above IDs in you r mulligan re-roll.\n4d. If Sahasrara is naughty and gives you the same ca rd twice in the same roll you may re-roll it for free as many times as nec essary to have three unique non-ID cards in the roll in addition to your o ne standard mulligan re-roll.\n4e. I reserve the right to decide a roll is too strong. It's no fun playing jank against someone with good decks.\n\n \nDeck building rules are as follows:\n5a. You must use the ID included in the roll you pick.\n5b. Your deck must include 3 copies of each card roll ed in your deck. The gods have given you these cards for a reason. It woul d be rude to leave them out.\n5bi. If a rolled card\, eg Luminal Transubst antiation\, specifies that it is 1 per deck you must still include a full playset of 3 copies in your deck.\n5c. Every identity has 5 TOTAL influenc e to spend on ADDITIONAL out of faction cards\, regardless of the ID's nor mal printed influence values.\n5d. Cards listed in the $jank rolls you cho ose DO NOT count against your influence limit. If they are out of faction you must include 3 copies each in addition to the 5 influence points you c an spend freely.\n5e. All other Standard Format deckbuilding rules apply. Standard card pool and ban list (unless you get lucky and roll a banned ca rd!) Every ID must use its printed minimum deck size and Corp decks must m aintain a standard agenda density for their size.\n\n\nTournament format: This will be a casual level event\, meaning an appropriate number of swiss rounds for the number of players\, and no top cut. Exact event start time will be confirmed ASAP.\n\n\nHave fun with it! This isn't meant to be a t ournament for elite strats. Lean in to the jank and maybe bring some other cards you wouldn't normally put in decks if the opportunity and synergy i s there.\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Rules are as follows:

  1. \n

    T he minimum donation for entry is $10. If you feel that you can give more\, please do!\nYou can provide a receipt showing a donation to a food insecu rity/houselesness charity in your local area\, or you can give me your ent ry fee (cash\, Paypal and Venmo all accepted) and I will make a donation a fter the tournament to a relevant cause of the champion's choice.

  2. \n

    To get your decks started you must join the yellow-sun channe l on the GLC Discord.\nRoll $jank corp and then $jank runner three times e ach in the yellow-sun channel. PLEASE DO THESE ROLLS IN A THREAD so the ch annel does not get too cluttered.

  3. \n
  4. \n

    When you have your rolls\, pick one roll from each side that you like the look of and build a deck around the cards it provided you.

  5. \n
  6. \n

    Re-rolls:\n4a . You get one free mulligan that can be used to roll a fourth time on EITH ER side (not both) if you don't like any of the 3 options. If you use this mulligan option YOU MUST USE THE NEW ROLL\, even if you think it is worse than the original 3.\n4a ii. If the Jank gods are cruel and all 6 of your picks are truly unplayable I may allow you to roll once more for both sid es in return for an increased donation.\n4b. The following IDs are not leg al for Janksgiving in addition to rotated IDs: Cyber Bureau\, The Shadow\, The Syndicate\, The Catalyst\, The Masque\, New Angeles Sol.\n4c. If one of your $jank rolls contains one of the above IDs you may re-roll it for f ree as many times as necessary to get a legal ID in addition to your one s tandard mulligan re-roll. This also applies if you roll one of the above I Ds in your mulligan re-roll.\n4d. If Sahasrara is naughty and gives you th e same card twice in the same roll you may re-roll it for free as many tim es as necessary to have three unique non-ID cards in the roll in addition to your one standard mulligan re-roll.\n4e. I reserve the right to decide a roll is too strong. It's no fun playing jank against someone with good d ecks.

  7. \n
  8. \n

    Deck building rules are as follows:\n5a. You mu st use the ID included in the roll you pick.\n5b. Your deck must include 3 copies of each card rolled in your deck. The gods have given you these ca rds for a reason. It would be rude to leave them out.\n5bi. If a rolled ca rd\, eg Luminal Transubstantiation\, specifies that it is 1 per deck you m ust still include a full playset of 3 copies in your deck.\n5c. Every iden tity has 5 TOTAL influence to spend on ADDITIONAL out of faction cards\, r egardless of the ID's normal printed influence values.\n5d. Cards listed i n the $jank rolls you choose DO NOT count against your influence limit. If they are out of faction you must include 3 copies each in addition to the 5 influence points you can spend freely.\n5e. All other Standard Format d eckbuilding rules apply. Standard card pool and ban list (unless you get l ucky and roll a banned card!) Every ID must use its printed minimum deck s ize and Corp decks must maintain a standard agenda density for their size.

  9. \n
  10. \n

    Tournament format: This will be a casual level event \, meaning an appropriate number of swiss rounds for the number of players \, and no top cut. Exact event start time will be confirmed ASAP.

  11. \n

    Have fun with it! This isn't meant to be a tournament for eli te strats. Lean in to the jank and maybe bring some other cards you wouldn 't normally put in decks if the opportunity and synergy is there.
