BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3494alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20221218T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20221218T235900 URL: ndard-circuit-opener LOCATION:26636 Brookpark Road EXT\, North Olmsted\, OH 44070\, USA SUMMARY:Cleveland\, OH - Parhelion Standard Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Cleveland Netrunner is back in person! Join us at Recess Games to kick off what is hopefully the first in a series of regular events.\nTh is will be a Standard event with a top cut if time allows. The store opens at 11am and play will begin promptly at Noon. There will be a minimum of 4 rounds. Entry fee is $20 per player. $10 will be refunded to each playe r in the form of store credit.\nFor Start Up players\, we will have lendin g decks available if you'd like to play Standard. But please send me an em ail and if there are sufficient players I will run a Start Up event concur rently.\nPLEASE NOTE: Masks(preferably KN95 or equivalent) are required to participate in this event.\nUPDATE 05-Dec-2022: We've been able to upgrad e this event to a Circuit Opener! These are still Casual-Tier events and w ill be welcoming to players of all skill levels\, the only change is that the winner will receive an invite to the Circuit Breakers Invitational if we have at least 8 players.\nAdditionally\, despite the delay in Parhelion 's release\, it will be legal for this event. Please reference NSG's proxy policy if your cards do not arrive in time. There is a SMALL chance that there will be a very limited amount of Parhelion for sale at this event\, do not count on this option though\, please come prepared with proxies.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Cleveland Netrunner is back in person! Join us at Recess Games to kick off what is hopefully the first in a series of regular events.


This will be a Standard event with a top cut if t ime allows. The store opens at 11am and play will begin promptly at Noon. There will be a minimum of 4 rounds. Entry fee is $20 per player. $10 wil l be refunded to each player in the form of store credit.


For Star t Up players\, we will have lending decks available if you'd like to play Standard. But please send me an email and if there are sufficient players I will run a Start Up event concurrently.


PLEASE NOTE: Masks(prefe rably KN95 or equivalent) are required to participate in this event.


UPDATE 05-Dec-2022: We've been able to upgrade this event to a Circuit Opener! These are still Casual-Tier events and will be welcoming to player s of all skill levels\, the only change is that the winner will receive an invite to the Circuit Breakers Invitational if we have at least 8 players .


Additionally\, despite the delay in Parhelion's release\, it wil l be legal for this event. Please reference NSG's proxy policy if your car ds do not arrive in time. There is a SMALL chance that there will be a ver y limited amount of Parhelion for sale at this event\, do not count on thi s option though\, please come prepared with proxies.