BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3488alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20221119 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20221120 URL: ent SUMMARY:NSG Annual Eternal Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:After the success of last year’s event\, the Eternal Balance Team and OP are running another Eternal tournament online this year\, on N ovember 19th! If you missed out on playing Eternal at Worlds\, then take p art in our Eternal event for 2022 and relive the thrills of Account Siphon and Breaking News\, while also seeing what Ob Superheavy Logistics and MA D have brought to Netrunner’s most powerful format. We’ll be giving aw ay the Account Siphon and Estelle Moon promos from this year’s Worlds et ernal events to those that take part so come along and have some high powe red fun in the off-season!\nStarting at 14:00 UTC\nFor details on the Eter nal cardpool see this link\nWe anticipate this will be three rounds and wi ll do a top 3\, though will revise if attendance exceeds our expectations. \nTo register on the day there will be a form posted in the Null Signal Ga mes Online Events Discord and go to the 2022 Eternal Tournament. Please sh ow up 15 minutes beforehand so we can make sure everyone is registered.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

After the success of last year’s event\, the Eternal Balance Team and OP are running another Eternal tournament onl ine this year\, on November 19th! If you missed out on playing Eternal at Worlds\, then take part in our Eternal event for 2022 and relive the thril ls of Account Siphon and Breaking News\, while also seeing what Ob Superhe avy Logistics and MAD have brought to Netrunner’s most powerful format. We’ll be giving away the Account Siphon and Estelle Moon promos from thi s year’s Worlds eternal events to those that take part so come along and have some high powered fun in the off-season!


Starting at 14:00 U TC


For details on the Eternal cardpool see this link


We ant icipate this will be three rounds and will do a top 3\, though will revise if attendance exceeds our expectations.


To register on the day th ere will be a form posted in the N ull Signal Games Online Events Discord and go to the 2022 Eternal Tour nament. Please show up 15 minutes beforehand so we can make sure everyone is registered.