BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3487alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20221112 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20221113 URL: event SUMMARY:Return of the RAM - NSG RAM Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The tournament will happen on the Null Signal Games Discord ser ver. Please join there for further announcements on the day and be there 5 minutes before the live draw for further information.\nLive-streamed draw of the legal card pool: 3pm UTC\nTournament start: 2 hours later at 5pm U TC\nThe Tournament\nThe pop up return of the Random Access Memories format . It is free for anyone to enter (as there are no prizes apart from braggi ng rights).\nThe tournament starts at 3pm UTC with a live-streamed draw on the Null Signal GamesTwitch channel of the legal card pool (see below).\n Afterwards a 2-hour time period for deckbuilding starts. Registering your decks in under 45 minutes gives you a bonus of 3 prestige points before th e first round of Swiss.\nThe tournament will consist of 3 or 4 rounds of d ouble sided Swiss (depending on attendance)\, followed by a top 3 cut.\nTo join the tournament\, log into the Null Signal Games Discord server for f urther announcements on the day and be there 5 minutes before the live dra w for further information.\nThe Format\nRandom Access Memories is a recurr ing format with a two week rotation. At the beginning of each two week per iod\, two large releases and 12 data packs will be randomly determined to form the card pool for the tournament and following two weeks.\nThe card p ool consists of two large releases and 12 data packs drawn randomly. We wi ll be excluding the packs selected in the previous iteration of RAM from t he eligible pool of sets.\nFor further information on this process\, read the format announcement article.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The tournament will happen on the Null Sign al Games Discord server. Please join there for further announcements on th e day and be there 5 minutes before the live draw for further information. \nLive-streamed draw of the legal card pool: 3pm UTC\nTournament start: 2 hours later at 5pm UTC


The Tournament\nThe pop up return of the Ra ndom Access Memories format. It is free for anyone to enter (as there are no prizes apart from bragging rights).


The tournament starts at 3p m UTC with a live-streamed draw on the Null Signal GamesTwitch channel of the legal card pool (see below).


Afterwards a 2-hour time period f or deckbuilding starts. Registering your decks in under 45 minutes gives y ou a bonus of 3 prestige points before the first round of Swiss.


T he tournament will consist of 3 or 4 rounds of double sided Swiss (dependi ng on attendance)\, followed by a top 3 cut.


To join the tournamen t\, log into the Null Signal Games Discord server for further announcement s on the day and be there 5 minutes before the live draw for further infor mation.


The Format\nRandom Access Memories is a recurring format w ith a two week rotation. At the beginning of each two week period\, two la rge releases and 12 data packs will be randomly determined to form the car d pool for the tournament and following two weeks.


The card pool c onsists of two large releases and 12 data packs drawn randomly. We will be excluding the packs selected in the previous iteration of RAM from the el igible pool of sets.


For further information on this process\, rea d the format announcement article.